Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I wrote this little recap for AmyB, who surprisingly is so caught up in her new digs in Portland, she has lost touch with reality and hasn't watched GG. Well, I admit, I am a late adopter to the show as well. The writer's strike drove me to it. I downloaded like 4 epi's off Itunes when I took the trip to Arizona and it was awesome. Ok, warning, you have to wear your cheese filter glasses. Think like a 17 year old going on 35. You have to overlook some of the heartbreak drama of the severely insecure and caught up in their own little worlds. That's the show, afterall.

So, here's my "catch up for you all"...and watch it tonite. It's gonna be good!

Rich Kids living in NYC, going to Prep School. UBER Rich, Blair Waldorf is the main character beauty queen. Her BFF is Serena, who dates Dan (the smart but poor boy on scholarship), Blair has already been exiled in Sophomore year and sent to rehab. But repented her sins, and is back. Kelly Rutherford (Melrose Place !) is her mom, who is in love with her daughters boyfriend’s dad, Rufus, who is going through a divorce. Dan's sister, Jenny, is trying to be a cool girl in the in crowd, and she is sort of a "Blair-In-Waiting" and has a bit of an evil streak in her. Most of the angst is all of them wondering who and when they will lose their viginity. LOL

Chuck Bass, the best character on the show, is a rich a-hole and throws his money around like I depose of Kleenex...leaves to JFK on whim in his limo, when things don't go his way. His father has just proposed to Serena’s mom (even though she is in love with Dan’s dad), and we don't know yet if she has accepted, which means Cbass and Serena may be stepsiblings. Meanwhile, Chuck just stole the virginity of Blair Waldorf...a pitty “F*&%” on Blair’s part, as she had just been dumped by Nate, Chace Crawford (Carrie Underwood’s ex). Chace dumped her because he felt it was blah blah blah, who cares. They are back now, and CBASS is pissed, because it seems, Blair wasn't just a romp...he loves her, and always has. But Nate has always been his best friend. This doesn't add up does it? Nope. 2 + 2 = blackmail. Chuck is sticking it to Blair, in that if she doesn't dump Nate, he's going to tell the world she is 'used goods'.

Now, the good part. There is a mysterious, anonymous “reporter” known as Gossip Girl, who has the email address of the entire school, and people send her pictures anonymously with little back stabbing stories and gossip...people in compromising positions to say the least, and they blackmail each other. Guess what Gossip Girl got from CBass on the last episode. You got it. Blair's secret is out, and even though now Nate and her have done the bone dance, Nate thought he was her first dance partner...and it seems, ooops. Not so much.

HA. It’s delicious. Great music too. The CW network. And if you go to www.cwtv.com you can catch up on previous episodes...full episodes are there for the viewing!

I will be recapping this shit tomorrow, because Idol is leaving me uninspired. I'm also depressed that David Cook has now got a girlfriend. Some chick he met during Idol Gives Back crapola.

I remain, your loyal bloggeress...


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