Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Did you hear it?

Surely you heard that loud scream I let out when I found my f(*&ing TIVO did NOT record Gossip Girl. OMG. Or as the Gossip Girl banner says OMFG...I shit you not it does. I tried to paste it into the blog. I digress.

But alas, my anal retentive tendencies kicked in last night. I just remembered I recorded it on the bedroom tv TIVO (yes, I have two 80 gig hard drives...jealous?) thinking my hubby would not want to watch Gossip Girl in the living room with me. So I am safely tucked in my comfy nest, watching at my own pace and leisure. He is in the other room watching car restoration shows...boring. Watching paint dry...on car hoods...not much different than walls, as the saying goes.

So, Gossip Girl did a spectacular recap lead in. Did I do it justice in my recap? I'm thinking so. So, here we go. So far, the title is Excellent...the Blair Bitch Project. LOL.

Don't put your dirty package on the table...humiliated..party of 1. ha ha. There's some good lines in this show, that's for sure.

Spotted...Jenny in a red dress...with the red hands to match...looks like 'utter disgrace' on the label. This is cat fight bitch badass.
Commercial time: Sex and the City movie looks good. I'm tired of Madonna and JT and the 4 minute song. It's getting old. Like Daisy on Rock of Love 2 called Ambre old and I quote "She's like 500 years old"...so in Daisy time, Madonna is about 750 years old. Ha. WTF...a new show called Farmer Wants a Wife. OMG. I will not be watching. Ok, maybe once.

You know those people that people look at wide eyed because they will eat anything? You know like maybe you remember that from high school? Well, I'm like that person at the lunch table at work...only instead of eat anything, I'll WATCH anything. It's hysterical. you name it, I've watched it. hee hee. Oh, by the way, someone dared me to eat some playdoh on Thursday. I negotiated it down to the size of a buggar. Buggah size playdoh ball. I ate it. It tasted like....um, buggah.

Show's back on...ok, well, drama, drama, drama..and a note from "G". Who could it be. Well, previews tell us it must be someone from Serena's druggie days of debauchery and hijinx. I didn't watch the show to see all that, but maybe some recapping is in our futures.

Well, hope you liked the show. Chuck Bass (CBass) was not as evil as usual, and BB (Blair Bitch) had her moments. Nate is as hot as molten lava. I hate that I lust after these boys, but it takes me back to my innocent high school crushes on dumb shows like Melrose Place and stuff. I loved Andrew Shue. Or Andrew McCarthy from Pretty In Pink. Remember James Spader was the a-hole rich boy in that movie? And the most famous of all in that movie...freakin' Ducky. He's on Two and a Half Men with Denise Richardson's ex...who's name escapes me. Charlie Sheen. Whoa..Senior moment there for a moment. just watched the show tonite. If you don't your missing some funny shit.

Ok, bedtime for Bonzo.

nitey Nite.

Get ready for tomorrow nite. Might want to start pounding the caffeine early...keep us all awake for this boring
week with Andrew Lloyd Webber...whatevs.

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