Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I Lied about my favorite tv shows...

My real favorite tv show is Gossip Girl. I downloaded very episode off Itunes and I watched it on my postage stamp of an Ipod Nano on the way to Texas and back. OMG, I am so addicted to that show. It's like 1 gazillion times better than Beverly Hills 90210 ever was. I mean Blair Waldorf makes Donna Martin look like a poor child from the wrong side of the tracks y'all.

These people are stunningly gorgeous and rich as all hell. And scandals start and stop and resolve very quickly. It moves lightening fast. Gossip Girl...why, as a blogger, did I not think of this shit first?

Anyway, my second omission on my Top TV List was The Real Housewives of NYC. Again, these bitches in NY are on a different playing field that those fake wives of Orange County. Again, this shows shows real money, and society, and put those 2 together, along with a muffin top bitch named Ramona, and you have one killer reality show. Fashion Week drama was my favorite.

Ok, so hope everyone has a good Monday.

xoxo- gossip girl wannabe, ColeyB

1 comment:

Lu said...

Hey Redwood Shores Vixen,
Rumor has it that another certain Redwood Shores hottie is addicted to that TV show as well! She goes between fixes of S and B and Reality trash TV.
Who is it you say? I'll never tell.

You know you love me. XoXo.