Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blogtown's Cast of Commenters

As we all know, I am Mayor of Blogtown. And Blogtown would not exist without the constituents...my loyal readers and quite the cast of characters. If you read this blog regularly, then you are a Blogtown resident. Is this blog url in your bookmarks? (I hope so because I named this the stupidest url ever...sorry, but I was a rookie, and originally, this was written for 40 office co-workers and that's it).

Anyway, citizens, since my last post, it seems there is great interest in nostalgia, and perhaps we need to introduce some of the main players to any new readers. I hate when I feel left out of the joke, because I'm late to the party or whatever. I want to introduce or re-introduce everyone to the main players of Blogtown. If this was a tv show, it would be sort of cross between Melrose Place and The Office. Lots of my co-workers are key contributors to this fun, hence the office. I am not Michael Scott.

Let's start with the most loyal of the loyal members...Jeffro...or WindyCityNut in the early days. Now, I'm going to have to be brutally honest here and admit some stuff, that may or may not embarrass or surprise you, my readers. So hold onto your seats. (cue the Melrose, soap opera music) Jeffro was my first blog crush. You know how people have groupies, and they hate them on the outside, but love them on the inside because they feed the ego. Well, this was NOTHING like that. Jeffro was simply a funny fucking guy that made ME laugh. I feel like he brought the funny out of me. I wrote crazier shit just to see what he would say. My Muse, if you will. So, I got the big idea that in the off season, we would write the blog together, sort of bounce back and forth. Which lead to exchanging personal emails, where we talked about this, but after only speaking via the blog for so long, it was weird...and then I called him, and he called me back and suddenly it was all so weird. If our spouses hadn't freaked out, we probably wouldn't have noticed a damn thing because quite frankly Jeffro and I are too stupid to cheat on our spouses, I've figured out. Well, I'm too lazy actually. I don't want to have to put effort into another relationship...this one is killing me as it is. And Jeffro, well he was a newlywed and well, he was just stupid too. Both our spouses feared that we were serial killers. Jeff was going to kill me and Jeff's spouse was sure I was hopping a plane to kill him, Again, never crossed our minds. So, when I found out that Jeffro and his lovely wife had a huge explosive fight about him participating in the blog, I lost it. I felt terrible, and I CUT HIM OUT OF THE BLOG. I erased every single post that he commented on, or that he was in. He disappeared. This is what he refers to as 'me taking out a hit on him'. Yes, he was erased. And then the funniest thing was he wouldn't go away. I know he kept reading. And then he started commenting in another name. He was addicted to the blog. So sad. He had to go to rehab. So, after he convinced me that his wife wasn't going to kill ME, I let him back in. And that's the story of Jeffro "WindyCity Nut". I heart you Jeffro!

NJ Fan: Now I have no idea who this chick is, and the way she types is so funny. She's my little fact finding fact checker. If I wonder about it on the blog, she finds that shit out and posts the comments. And she agrees with everything I say. Very smart girl this one. She's funny and I heart you too NJ Fan!

Tink from California: My most demanding fan. She thinks her TIVO works on ME! When I announced I was not going to blog live, she was up in arms and demanded that on Idol nights, NO KNITTING. To which I agreed. For fear she was going to come find me. And if I don't post something, she writes me about 10:00 in the morning and says something like "Hello, I'm waiting for my daily dose of the blog" Between her and Jeffro, I am not allowed to go on vacation, that's for sure. I wonder if they would pay me by the week? Like a dollar? Man that would be cool. I could open my yarn shop for sure, when I am 65. Thanks Tink for all the fun comments. Of course, I heart you too.

Now the rest of the players I am not going to identify so closely because you might want to retain your privacy. But, I do wish you all could know your neighbors in Blogtown. I'll list some people by first name, and then you can get an idea of the people that are sharing this space...because in all seriousness, we are a community here. And I write this because I think you all are fun, when I pass you in the halls at work, or get the random emails or phone calls. Do please remember that I am very surprised when people really care what I think about American Idol. I mean when one person asks you who's getting voted off, that's one thing. When 12 people come up to you each week and 5 email you and 5 call you, then you start to feel sort of weird because you actually feel like you owe them some thought and maybe some wittiness. I know that's weird. And I have had to come to accept that I am obsessive and get very caught up in things that excite me. And citizens of Blogtown just fuel my fire.

Here are some of your neighbors, you might want to say hi to when cruising through Blogtown:

Chris- equally obsessed with Idol and reality tv. Co-worker (code: CW) Sweetest, nicest guy I have ever met in my life, hands down and I adore him. Easily my favorite co-worker. He's funny, kind and has a great laugh. And a dang good designer.
Lu -Former CW (code; FCW) Lu, equally as funny as Jeffro. This girl makes me crack my ass up. Seriously, and she used to be scared of me at work because I flipped her attitude. This was when I was in my bitchy season at work. Lu is the most well traveled girl I have ever met. She goes on cruises like I go to the mall. Constantly cruising.
Susan - friend of Dee Dee's at work. She keeps Dee Dee (college roommate) up to date on my shenanigans. Texas girls have to watch each other's backs. Dee Dee says that her friend thinks I'm famous. Sorry to disappoint Susan.
Paul: Dee Dee's husband. What? He reads my blog. Well, blow me over with a feather. I could not believe it when he told me. Thanks Paul. That is one of the greatest compliments I have ever received. Note, even Dee Dee does not read the blog.
JenG - FCW: Has the most interesting career options and changes and gigs of anyone I ever met. She hangs out with the announcers and staff and celebs each night when the SF Giants play at home. She's like the scorekeeper chick in the outfield, and does PR and stuff. Sweetest girl. Hi Jen!!!
DNatz and Ellen: 2 FCWs who I miss every day. Hope life is treating you both well. Drop me a comment or two!
AmyB - cancer lottery winner and survivor. Imagine this...you get diagnosed with cancer, go down for 6 months, get back up, fight and survive, while getting to try out numerous hair colors and do's along the way, get a dream job, run around with Tiger Woods, run the NYC Marathon, meet Lance Armstrong and hang with Phil Knight at Nike, where you are employed. Ok, so if that's not winning the cancer lottery, you tell me what is. Is it possible to be jealous of a cancer survivor? I prefer to call it inspired.
Sheila: new member and literally someone that has shown me the lighter side of life lately and just makes me smile to think about her. You know her as my twin. I truly believe that God has brought us together for a reason and the fun has just begun.
Seester: My baby sister. She's smarter than me, but more of a brat. She's condescending, but you know, instead of battling it, I finally find the humor in it. We are like oil and water...but that makes a pretty tasty vinaigrette with the right ingredients added, like good humor and love. She is the first person I call when things are really super bad or good. There is no substitute for a sister, no matter what. You can have boundaries, but they come down when you get the call. Love you tons baby sister.
Mallooooo: A Texas girl that lifts me up and has a smile as big as the state she lives in. Met her at my first job out of college and we have always kept in touch. Gonna see her next week on vacay!

Lord, you people must be tired of this blog. I fear I have forgotten someone. If I have, I apologize, but it is getting late.

Why did I write this? Because I wanted to lift you all up and thank you for being great citizens of Blogtown, thank you for not peeing in the city swimming pool, and for picking up your trash when you leave the park.

Hey, I got a mammogram today. That was fun. My boobage smashed between 2 plates of glass looked oddly like pancake batter, spreading on a griddle. Maybe I was just hungry for pancakes.




Anonymous said...

Cole - thanks for the mention in your blog. Does this make me famous or something? Maybe I can get out to SF with Dee Dee sometime this year. I still haven't seen the Giants new stadium.

From Paul (Dee Dee's husband)

Jeffro said...

Cole, I was your First blog crush? I thought i was your only blog crush. Anyhow, my wife is a little possesive of me. Not as much as when we were first married but still, she's a little pyscho. Ouch... Maybe I shouldn't type that when she is sitting next to me. Kidding. She is addicted to Facebook right now. I don't think she knows we live together still. How quickly the fire burns out. Again, kidding. Glad I make you laugh Cole. Mammycakes? Do they serve those at IHOP??

Anonymous said...

I do like facts. My sister calls me her encyclopedia britannica!

NJ Fan

tinkfromcalif said...

WOW 2 new posts! What a wonderful morning for me! I am glad that you addressed the Jeffro issue. I was soooooo curious but was kind of afraid to ask lol. But lets clear something up. I am not demanding...lmao...I just want what I want when I want it. I do thank you for blogging live and giving up the knitting for us on Idol nights. I just don't get how you can post it before it is on. Bizarre.
Speaking of bizarre...WTF was Allison wearing?!? Omg when she came on stage i thought she had put her finger in a light socket! That was hideous! My favorite was Danny tonight followed by Kris. Megan needs to pack and go. She SUCKS! Can't stand her voice. Adam is really good but he is really kinda creepy still.
Anyone watch the Osbornes after? I felt sooooooo sorry for the guy put on the spot by his girlfriend. I figured he would bolt...I would have.
Happy April Fool's Day!

Anonymous said...

My bottom three are, Megan, Allison and Anoop. Bye Bye Megan. I had high hopes for you.

Thank goodness Jeffro didn't live in CA or you might have been meeting for coffee and he might be knitting now.

NJ Fan

Chris said...

aw shucks. and thanks for the visual of your mammogram...I think. O_O

Unknown said...

Several things (as you will see, in no particular order) from the artist formerly known as the girl with cancer.

1. Yeah, I swept the leg of cancer. I made it my bitch.
2. Anoop will leave us....after he is joined in the bottom three by Megan (her boobs and blonde hair will save her) and Matt Timberfake.
3. Kara MUST GO. Can we have a show that votes her off?
4. When did Paula become articulate and stop slurring her words? I want the old one back.
5. Gokey does ZERO for me and isn't IDOL worthy. I think Rascall Flatts is weird.
6. Lu is hilarious. Her blog about travels is very funny. Man have we had some laughs.
7. Lil Rounds is totally channeling her inner Evelyn Walker. (EA peeps only get that one.)
8. Why no Idol mentor last night?
9. Simon isn't always right.
10. Cole is like the first lady of snarky blogsh*t.
11. I didn't meet Lance Armstrong. Yet! I did run the NYC Marathon though, on his LiveSTRONG team, and I heard him speak at a dinner.
12. Cole taught me how to knit in a GKC.
13. The only thing I tried to knit for my new born nephew remains unfinished and he turns 3 on May 31st.

I heart Cole. She packs the best chemo picnics and she is in my BOOK!

Unknown said...

I mean my nephew turns 6!