Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

And now a word from Lu....

Lu, you may recall, a frequent commenter on this blog, has poked her head out of a hole, and left me a message. It's like she's a little Groundhog that came out to watch the Top 12 on American Idol.

Lu has been gone from my company for a bit now, we no longer work together and it seems her new job is taking up alot of her time. Or atleast that's what I choose to believe, instead of what is probably reality and she doesn't read the blog anymore. DOh!

So, as usual, her message was a laugh riot. I wish I could capture it and play it, but in any case, the gist is this. Lu is pissed off that they put the poor blind guy in pink jeans. You know he thought they were blue. It's just not right. Stylist taking advantage of the blind is a crime.

That Lu. Well, we certainly welcome her to come back and post her comments here!

As for the rest of you, hope you're enjoying this season. I know I am.

I leave you with some thoughts to ponder, as you run your weekend errands and fold laundry.

I wonder if Adam was peaking too fast, so he took a dive on the "ring of fire" song? I wonder if he plans to just be someone different every single week, so that he keeps being fresh? If this is his strategy, it's working. Because I am bored with most of them. I must say, Megan also makes me want to tune it, just to see how she will look, or dance, or what song she is doing. Isn't that sort of the Sanjaya factor? Don't both Megan and Adam have the Sanjaya factor?

We only have like 4 more weeks that the magic bullet can save a contestant. They can't use it when only 5 remain.



Jeffro said...

I miss Lu and her comments. Whatever happened to crazy Cristina?? Or Chad? They couldn't hang with Cole I guess. Adam still creeps me out. I'm glad Megan is still around but I agree with Simon that she is getting terrible advice. Cole mentioned that Adam and Megan have the Sanjaya factor. I agree except that these two can actually sing. Megan can sing but has anyone heard of the songs she has chosen?

tinkfromcalif said...

They put him in pink pants??? OMG that is kinda funny in a mean way. My Uverse was completely down on Tuesday so I didn't get to see or dvr Idol. What the hell did people do before TV and internet? To have them BOTH go down really sucks. Thank God for Netflix....lol
Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about Chad and Cristina also. Didn't they both stop at the same time? Maybe they were one person. (joke)

NJ Fan