Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Did you hear that Megan Joy Corkrey has decided to be known only as Megan Joy. Oooppsie. It seems she has a twin...famous for her role in Desperate Housewhores...suffice to say the porn industry is where she works.Well, I wondered when the scandals were going to hit the fan on Idol. I mean, really, there has to be something that one of those duffus's has done in their normal life that someone wants to blow up, right? Well, I didn't have to wonder for long. Funny, I always thought it would be Adam Lambert to do something, and yes, he seems to like kissing boys, but who doesn't these days? I can't believe I loved Adam Lambert so much at first. The Ring of Fire is going to be his Big Burn...he's going down down down.

Is anyone watching The Real Housewives of New York City? Those bitches are crazy...and they are so entertaining. I mean this reality show is sometimes too real. The editors of that show could teach the people at MTV who splice together THE CITY and The Hills (rest in peace, only one more season) a few lessons on creating drama. Those NYC hags are absolutely the most self involved vapid waste of botoxed skin I've ever seen. Countess DuLesseppes is a graveling voice lazy ass full of herself uppity bitch. I can't stand Ramona 'bug eyes' either. And Bethenny is just a therapists dream patient...no chance of ever being cured. It's the kids I feel sorry for.

Guess I'm going to sleep now. It's supposed to start raining, so I need to get in bed so the rain can lull me to sleep.

xoxo. zzzzzzzzzzzz.............

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