Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, March 30, 2007

:05 Min. from Declaring Sanjaya-Free Zone

I've got the Devil on one shoulder and the Angel on the other, and my Ipod in both ears. I just don't know who or what to listen to, so I'm putting it out there to YOU...should we continue to participate in the Sanjaya fever sweeping the nation? Is this what this show has become...one singer, no talent, let's see how bad he can become? Is it bringing me as much joy as when I watched this little hayseed Okie from Chekotah, OK start to blossom like the most beautiful flower on stage each week? NO, it is not. Am I just sitting on the edge of my seat each week waiting to see Chris Daughtry tear it up and blow me away? NO, I am not. And do I wish I was watching a SUPERSTAR in the making? YES I DO... So, what do I do, when I don't see a SuperStar, because I am too focused on the SuperPooPoo? That little bouncing turd with a wig has ruined what I love about Idol, but AM I ENABLING IT TO HAPPEN? I'm choosing to focus on SuperPooPoo and maybe I am missing the talent starting to shine. And sadly, I think I am not alone. America is focusing on the negative, at a time when we need to lift our spirits, and root for the good guy. We are at WAR for God's sake, and I know for a fact, this blog is being read by some armed services members. We need to get back to being snarky about wardrobe and stupid stuff, not bitching about this poor guy who is clearly out of his league but has to stay due to a-holes like Stern and such voting him through.

Help me decide. No more Sanjaya here? At all, or except on performance night or vote off night? What's appropriate? As WINDYCITYNUT posted, we will see Sanjaya again...like on Surreal Life sleeping in a bunk bed with Webster.

In case you don't know my favorite Idol contestant by now, it's Jordin. She's my girl. I can see me buying her cd and watching her just be a SuperDuper Star. She's just the right age to be a little media darling with that big 'ol smile whether she is glam or girly... Red Carpet or Basketball court...she is a chameleon. Soon to be Million-chameleonnaire, I predict.
Look, here's our mascot Jordin Chameleon now!

Happy Friday Idol-Izers.


Lu said...

Cole--I think we can all use a little bit of Sanjaya's flash in the pan fame. But I trust you to hold back when you feel it's too much. It just happens that there is a ton of coverage of your favorite coiffed singing sensation in the media right now. Heck I'm suckered in for sure.

Anyway, I don't think it should be completely free, because we'll be free of him soon enough and he'll fade into obscurity like William Hung.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Yeah, Jordin is one of my favorites as well. I think certain people are starting to shine more now, this season may actually be redeemed!

windycitynut said...

Hey Cole, I don't know if I can be funny everyday. Funny looking maybe...Don't worry, Sonjaya will be working with his sis at Hooters(he already ordered his orange shorts) by mid April so we should poke fun while we can. On the other hand, I can find plenty of stuff to talk about with Idol. Am I the only one worried that we might see one of Melinda's eyeballs pop out into Randy's lap during the judges comments, I mean, can she open them up any more?? That whole "bambi" surprise look is getting on my nerves.

Cole Bronn said...

WindyCityNut -
thanks for returning...and I have to lay off Melinda for a bit...one of her friends took me to task for calling her a troll. Honestly, I didn't mean it personally, it's just the word that popped out of my computer. Much like her eyes may soon pop out of her head, you suggest. My husband says she has tiny corn teeth...now that's a personal dig. And NO one says she can't sing. I think she would be amazing on Broadway, but this aint' American ShowTune Stage Idol. I hope Chad is right...things may be picking up on the old show!

Christina said...

The Sanjaya thing is so interesting to me on so many sociological levels, yet so frustrating to me as a viewer and fan of the show. Even though I'm kind of an atypical fan in the sense that while I have my favorites, I have no use for fanbases, obsessively defending anyone who is an asshole in public or in print, or faux-threatening to stop watching the show because the outcome isn't to my liking.

At first, I was in denial about the Sanjaya thing -- I truly believed he would go away and become irrelevant again. Then I moved onto feeling bad for Sanjaya - I imagined all the Gary Coleman horror story scenarios about how this process could kill him. Now I'm just over him completely and I want him off my screen.

He took a lot longer to buy into his own hype than other Idol contestants in his position have in the past (see Chicken Little, Chris Sligh, Constantine), and that worried me at first, because hell hath no fury like an Idol Contestant that sucks who gets too big for their britches. Finally, this week in the press and on the show he has shown that he's totally believing the hype - ignoring the fact that the majority of his "fans" are only his fans because he sucks. I didn't think he could ever top the spectacle of the awkward crying girl (if she is that emotional now, you know she'll be a cutter -- and in a few years, mom and dad better make sure she doesn't slit her wrists after watching her appearance on Idol -- I jest, but really), and then he came out with that hair-do. He also "came out" - which might hurt him as much as it helped him who knows.

Other than pull a Britney and shave his head, I don't think he can do anything that will top the mo-hawk...and as soon as he is uninteresting, I say he's gone. I hope.

As far as how much of him should be in your blog? I say limit it to performance/results night. That's when anything interesting happens anyway. All of us who blog and write and comment about the Spectacle That is Sanjaya are responsible for keeping this thing in the press.

I'm tired of him - I love Idol, but I want to go back to talking about the important issues - Paula's substance abuse issues and Ryan and Simon's lovers spats.

Cole Bronn said...


How eloquently put. I agree on so many levels. i have never and would never take this show so seriously as to boycott watching just because the show is "tainted" by Stern voters. That's like terrorist keeping you from flying on vacation..ok, maybe not quite, but no damn Stern is going to keep me from watching. You're right. I want to get back to the stuff I like...like the drinking game everytime Randy says DAWG...or guessing if Pauler (I like to call her that 'cause that's what it sounds like when Simon yells at her) is drunk, stoned, or a little buzzed on both...and IS RYAN playing on both teams? swaying to the gay? or what? I do love the lovers spat with Simon...it's kind of funny how they went to Africa together too.

Anyway, thanks for commenting and I hope you keep coming back for the rest of the season. I enjoyed your thoughts.


jb said...

Hi! Great blog! My vote is to just write what is painfully necessary on performance or voting-off nights, and spare everyone any extra reading about him or thinking about him on other days. Ugh - it's been a horrifying ride with him being in the top for so long, but even if America won't send him home (YET - it must happen one day, thankfully) at least you can stop the madness here! No more Sanjaya! Thank you very much!

jb said...

And, yes, too, write as much as you like about Jordin. She's a cutie, and one of my favorites. She'll be making an album no matter what number she ends up at, but I'd love to see her win the whole thing.