Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ain't no Hollaback Girl gets it started.

Now look. I am not cool enough to even know what the hell a Hollaback girl is. I'm probably not even spelling it right. Lu or Amy, please tell me if you know!!! or anyone can email me at cbronn@ea.com.

So, LaKisha starts it off. I must first say I love Gwennie's outfit. Donna Summer tune is up. LOVE KiKi's dress and boots. Very becoming. KiKi's voice is great. But can you see her in concert? I just keep seeing Baptist Revival singer up there. Church Potluck and here's our little KiKi bringing us God's Word. Nice hair. Is that a wig? Still worthy of 4 Carries. Simon is right...it's time KiKi shaves some years off her performance. Good start to the show. Bank employees given her support. How nice.

Chris Sligh is next. I swear he is hysterical. POLICE song. MY ALL TIME FAVORITE BAND...Stinger. Don't butcher it. This is not working for me really. It's kind of painful. He seems a little out of breathe to me. And an awkward walker around the stage. This song just loses it when Sting isn't singing it. I don't know about picking popular songs that everybody in the world can sing it. Those curls are wacko. Ooh, Randy pulls "trainwreck" out. That's harsh. Hear the beat. Simon's going to nail you for more than that. OH< MY GOD I'm so right. Me and Simon sympatico tonite. Simon, not finished yet, not the Oscars. Hilarious.
2 Daughtreys Dawg. Chris S is on the chopping block.

Gina...I'll stand by you...GREAT song for Gina. And I lOVE this song. She is channeling her inner Chrissie. 4.5 Carries. I loved it. I think the whole package was great. Probably one of my favorite performances out of Gina. Randy, of course, agrees with me. Paula...same hairdo as Gwen tonite...they must have gotten a 2=fer at the salon. Simon, whoa, pulls one out. NICE. And again, I could be sitting on that stage. Gina...rock on girl. I might dial the votes for you tonite. Beats KiKi by a mile.

San=jay-jay...pulls No Doubt out. Oh God, massacre. holy mother of red hot mohawks, I have never seen anything so shiteous in my life. He looks like a freakin' Rooster. A very gay rooster. Forgot the words. I swear he's trying to throw this competition. He wants to go home. He's missing those hot wings his sister gives him at Hooters for free. This was a piece of shit performance. 5 Constantines Simon puts it into perspective and won't even comment. I just wish one of them had the nerve to say "Sanjaya, I think I just vomited a little in my mouth that was so bad"

Haley ...whoa Gwennie gives some harsh feedback and I like it. She is very opinionated. Is Haley trying to be this season's Kat McPheever? She has some unbelievable legs and is such a beautiful girl. I think she will do something when this is all over. Tough song, and I don't know if I liked that arrangement...and the pitchiness. It was aiiright for me. 3.5 Carries. Randy and me, on same pg. Pauler - agrees with Gwen Simon - Haylie if I'm being honest, I think I'd be worried tonite...I know he will say it. I just know it. Sweet but forgettable. Well, I agree. But I think Chris was worse. Chris S. is bottom of the pile for me tonite. Ryan tells her she looks WONDERFUL.

Phil Stacey - good move covering the chrome dome. POLICE...I'm loving tonite. This may be one of my favorite music weeks ever. He sort of reminds me of Leif Garrett tonite, pre-crack addict days. (am I dating myself or what). Good job. good rip in the middle of that song. Got some goose bumps. Best performance from Phil. 4.5 Daughtreys. Very solid performance. Randy, didn't I just type that dawg? Pauler, she looks pretty tonite...oh, is she talking? Simon, running low on blood sugar 'cause he's crabby. Oh, and now he is being nice.

Now, I am going to make a little observation. I think these judges are really trying to sway America on the voting. They are so worried, as am I, that San-JayJay is going to win. If that happens, the competition will change forever. Judges votes will start accounting for 50% next year, guaranteed.

Melinda picks a oldy tune, of course. Atleast they gave her a hip outfit and hair. That bob last week was heinous. well, her voice is undeniable as good. But I am not paying for this troll's cd or concert tickets. It ain't happening. She could easily be at the same church function with KiKi. 4 Carries Simon, hates the outfit. ha ha. He has no style whatsoever, except that he doesnt' change his style...maybe that's a good thing.

Blake. Doing the Cure. LOVE this song. My this night is Gwen and COLE"S inspirational tune night. I'm going to load my ipod as soon as this show is over. He looks good. love the hair and outfit. It's a little draggy for me...sort of boring and safe. No beat box. It was nice but not really something I would pick if I was wanting to wow the audience. He's going the sexyback route though, I can see it. 4.5 Daughtreys Randy, see Cole's comments Pauler: ditto Simon: Frontrunning guy.

Jordin. Oh good a fireball performance. Now see? Hip, with it song...and it will get the votes. I think she looks great. And she has a great voice. Not the best song to feature her voice but it was good. 4.5 Carries. I loved it. She was so damn hip and cute. This was a good Idol performance. And I can see people buying concert tickets. Jordin, good for you talking to them and staking your claim on what you want to do.

Chris R. vocal olympics. This is sounding good. Smooth. A little copy cat, to borrow Simon's last comment. Well, now he is winding up. Bring it. I hate his outfits. Never like his hair or face hair. Not sure what to think. 3.5 Daughtreys Judges were not impressed, like me. just blah for me.

I'm super impressed with Gwen and her comments. This show was great. Loved the music for sure.

So, I say Chris S. is out. or Hayley. Of course, San-JayJay is the worst of all. Those bastards at Howard Stern Show are keeping him in, along with that other website.

Nite Nite Idol-ites

1 comment:

Lu said...

Cole--Hollaback is the correct spelling. You are way cooler than you think you are. OMG WTF Sanjaya. It was so heinous that i had to text in a vote to keep him. That's right, I have voted for Sanjaya. My first and probably last vote of the season. Further, can Melinda seriously un-MOM herself? She's 29, not 49 What the hell is she doing? And of all the times she could have come correct and sing a normal current pop song, she had to go and dowdy it up. I am pissed that I picked her to win this thing. I love Gwen...and even moreso now that she's been on Idol.

Estes. Out.