Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ashley Ferl-Sick of her yet?

American Idol Crying Girl Ashley Ferl Is Idol’s Latest Unlikely Star

In addition to making stars out of some of the best singers in America, American Idol is such a powerful television vehicle that anyone that becomes involved with the show has the possibility of becoming an overnight sensation.

Anyone want to take bets we have not seen the last of her? I'm telling you if they have her guest judge one week, I'm done with this show. LOL. Can you imagine her squeezed between Pauler and the Prince of Darkness. The rubber bands would shoot right out of her mouth if she got a whiff of Vodka in Pauler's "Coke" cup. I was grossed out by the spit strings that were all gummed up in there while she was crying. Sickening.

Word to her parents. Start saving for therapy or plastic surgery now, 'cause when she realizes what a CryBaby ass she made of herself on national tv, she'll never forgive you or venture outdoors after age 15 or 16. High School is going to be rough and forget college. Poor crybaby.


Caiazzo said...

I heard another rumor that she has been given a show on Nick. She is working with Britney Spears little sister now.

On a side note: Who thinks this was a plant by the producer?

Chad Oneil Myers said...

It was quite fitting that this happened on "British Invasion Night". It reminded me of classic footage of the Beatles with girls crying their heads off while watching them.

Some of my friends think she was planted, but I think she was a "real" fan. I'm not sure if it was "real" crying or "forced", but I think it was all her.

Cole Bronn said...

I do think she was a plant. She was sitting right in front of Nigel Lythgoe...the guy who judges America's Got Talent and is part of Idol. Definitely a plant.

windycitynut said...

Hey Cole. Great blog. Discovered it in USA Today. We will definitely see the little wet one in the final results show. Remember the queerdo Clay Aiken wannabe that freaked when the real deal walked out?!? Classic. It's good to have a forum to poke fun at the show. My wife stopped watching ever since Fantasia Barbaric won. She said the show lost creditability when that happened. (I countered with that whole season was the worst collection of talent and Fantasia was merely Queen of the crap). Thanks for expanding my vocabulary. Shiteous is my new favorite word. Good luck witth the blog!

Cole Bronn said...

Windy City,

LOVE YOU! That was hilarious. Can't take credit for Shiteous...that's Perez Hilton. But feel free to use it! I love Fantasia Barbaric. You could drive a mac truck through that mouth. She drove me insane. That whole baby mamma drama almost lost me as well. Yes, that was a crapfest.

Unfortunately Oprah tapped her for Broadway, so her star continues to shine, but maybe now in the right place. I do think she has nice pipes, just not my genre. I love Jennifer Hudson so much more.

Lu said...

Oh! i heard on the radio this morn that this girl is a total AI groupie...going to like a slew of the concerts and pulling this crying stunt last season too at a dress rehearsal. I'm sick of her already. go cry in your cheerios at home and stay off my television.