Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Simon, if you're reading this...

Ok, enough is enough, you fashion-challenged Prince of Darkness. I've read and seen enough this weekend of you having issues with Jennifer for saying American Idol was a stepping stone. So sorry she didn't check with you on semantics and how you would have liked to have been thanked when she picked up her Oscar. Let me remind you, Mr. Cowell, you had nothing to do with DREAMGIRLS. Your only significant part in Jennifer's Idol experience was to insult her, tell her she was nowhere near strong enough to sing Jennifer Holiday, and belonged back on a cruise ship. Any normal person would have let those personal insults crush their spirit, but Jennifer told Barbara Walters, it just challenged her. And that is why her shelf is now sporting the Oscar, and the SAG and the Golden Globe, not because you put her through to Hollywood.

And what's even more pathetic is your recent comments on Taylor Hicks. You've said nothing about him until it's become apparent his cd is going to tank in sales...and you don't want to be attached to him. So now you want to take the "I told you so" attitude, saying you never liked him, and Chris Daughtry was your favorite. I remember you calling Chris a one-trick pony one week. And that was about 2 weeks after you applauded him for being true to himself. Mr. Cowell, you are incapable of integrity and for admitting when you are wrong, unless of course Oprah calls you on it and it means you get a segment on her show. You'll say anything for that kind of exposure, you media whore.

Simon, stick to the judging and finding the best. Your show has credibility, and you don't need everyone out there kissing your ass about it, every time THEIR talent and business acumen gains them accolades. Jennifer starts on her new cd next month. I think I'll send her a few ideas for how she can thank you properly in the liner notes.

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