Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Has it really been 4 days since I last posted?

What have I been doing with myself? Well, I'll tell you what...being uninspired. I can't find a damn thing to say. I mean, I'm not reading that Harry Potter book. I haven't seen the movie. I've even lost interest in my Simpsons crazy straw collection. I'm in a slump. The only good thing is my bike. I've been riding it alot, everyday, which cuts into blogging and tv time big time...but it's better for me in some ways.

Update on Bella: She has come out of self imposed isolation, but only when ceiling fan is turned off. Still not sleeping with me, but that's cool. I'm sleeping better without her fat ass in my face, and pulling my hair.

I hope you all are having fun this summer. I've finally gotten over the Kelly Clarkson cancelled concert. I like my new cd from that chick I downloaded, Colbie Caillat. Christina, have you heard it?

Me and Queen Lee Lee did the math last night and figured out we have only 9 weeks until we go to Hawaii. We also came to the conclusion that we aren't staying long enough so we got on the horn to Hawaiian Air last night to see what they would gouge us with to change out outbound. 45 minutes on hold, I kid you not. The news wasn't good... $165 bucks each. Ouch. But it was midnight and we got our hubs in a good mood and they said, Who Cares, let's do it. haha. (of course, tonite's dinner location has been downgraded to Denny's but the sacrifices are worth it. ok kidding.) So we are going to stay 7 nights now. Yippy Skippy. Can't wait. This will be my first vacay with another couple besides camping. So, I am going to try not to be a stress monkey control freak. It will be really hard for me to lay by the pool and "waste time" when I could be out seeing sites. I already told QLLee that if we didn't go to the coffee plantation I would be disappointed. Actually, I said "f'ing pissed"...and really vacay is no place for f'ing pissed. So I am going to start my self-therapy, pre vacay sessions right now. I have 9 weeks to ramp my thinking down to vacay mode. And I'll invite you all to play along. Feel free to send tips, cash or travel vouchers. There is a spa there, as well. Hey, I think I'll call them right now. Gotta go. I need to book a massage. Me the the Queen are down with the massages.

Coley B...launching into vacay mood rampdown. Peace out.

1 comment:

Lu said...

1) Kauai is gorgeous and fortunately not a hell of a lot to do or see there so you'll be able to get your sights knocked out in a day or 2 and have the remainder to relax. Note to you...if you visit the guava planation, wear some flippin bug repellant, my sweet skin got eaten alive. horrible. For the record, I love kauai. I thought the people were really friendly and nice and it was pretty laid back which i really enjoyed.
2) What the hell is going on with Lindsay Lohan? can she pls get her shit together?
3) I have been incommunicado lately because I have been spending my time reading the Potter book (i finished it last night) and having mental breakdowns at the office.
4) I am late on this train, but I was watching a marathon of Kathy Griffin, my life on the D list and I was laughing my ass off. There was this one ep where she performs at a prison, and then they take her to see the inmates on death row and one of the inmates yells out "i want to kill you" and Kathy Griffin goes, "take a number honey" Quality stuff.