Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Confession time

Me and Queen Lee Lee stole peaches off the neighbors tree tonite. They were rotting and falling to the ground, so we are sure they don't care. It's the weird lawyer at the end of the street. Creepy dude.

Is that so wrong? I'd give him some lemons from my tree if he asked, so I am going to assume he's cool with it.


windycitynut said...

Hey Cole!!
What up buddy? I knew you were a dirty little peach theif. What's this I hear about KC starting to work on a new albumn already?? Is this just a stupid rumor or did she crach under the pressure??

Cole Bronn said...

Ok Jeffro. Stop drinking and typing. You have 3 misspelled words in this post, which makes me think you are drunk because only 2nd graders spell thief "theif". "I before E except after c"...repeat the little song after me. And in case you are slow on the uptake that means receive is spelled as I typed it.

You receive an F today for spelling.

I believe she is starting work on a new album(no 'n Dan Quayle) and I'm not sure if her crach or crouch or crack plays a part in it.

:) hugging it out.