Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sanjaya...certainly enjoying his 15 minutes of fame

Every season, the odd bird seems to catch the media spotlight and it just seems to stick. Maybe it's what fascinates me about human nature...what fascinates humans. There is just a rash of buzz on the internet as to why Hello Kitty hasn't run out of lives yet. And the brain trusts of analysts have come to one scientific conclusion. It's his hair. They've interviewed the on-set stylist over at AI and he reports that in his previous 5 seasons at Idol, NO contestant has been as obsessed with his hair. And evidently his efforts have not been wasted...the 14 year old girls are swooning. They don't care if he can't sing...he looks cute on stage. Have any of you ever watched the Disney Channel. He sings better than most of those little Mouseketeers. To put it politely, pitchy is not a term they are familiar with, nor do they care. They like his hair...period. And Simon is sick to death of hearing about it and his hula hooping. He's the one sweatin' like a whore in church now. Imagine if this little idiot makes it much further and they have to start thinking about him making it on tour!!! Putting together a show with his weakass vocals? Or worse yet, a possible record contract if he were to win...which will never happen because I do believe the woman are strong enough to prevail.

Which brings me to Melinda. I know everyone is enthralled with little gummy grin, bright eyes Troll-a linda. But I'm not. She has not performed a song that was produced in this Millinium yet. When she busts out a Beyonce tune or anything of the current modern day Billboard top 100, then I will give her a chance.

Now let's talk about Diana Ross. She was awful. That dress with those red sequin platform heals...she reminded me of cross between Satan and a Vampire. It was just so overly Diva. I guess I just felt like her drunken swaying was going to land her on her ass at any moment, and at her age...hello broken hip. Why the hell would you put yourself in skin tight dress, fat ass platforms, dress 7 inches too long so you have to kick to be able to not step on it, and then sing a crap song. It was just a recipe for disaster.

This week...British Invasion week. I'm about as excited for this as I was when I found out I was being audited by the IRS. Who the hell even cares about the guest judges...Herman Hermits dude and LuLu. Let me remind you...LuLu is 58 years old. Diana Ross is 82...Herman? Who knows. What is this Geriatric Idol? I think Simon slept with LuLu, so that's why she gets to come 'cross the pond and hang. Jeez, are they out of money over there at Fox. Isn't there anyone good with an album to promote? Where the hell are Faith Hill and Tim McGraw...Soul2Soul on over her and get your sexy groove on on this stage for Country week please. Let's see some real stars in a hot genre.

I'd be happy if they'd just drag the cast of Grey's Anatomy on stage and let them karaoke. It beats the hell out of LuLu. McDreamy singing ... oh my god...I'm just like those little girls voting for Sanjaya...it's all about the hair.

More later....


Lu said...

Cole--I have to admit, I am tempted to call in and vote for Sanjaya because it's such a trainwreck to watch every week. It's so obviously bad that you just want to see it continue to happen. It's sick and twisted yes, but really, you know once he finally gets voted off it will be just like all the others in his path...Chicken Little, that strange red haired boy who only sang frank sinatra songs, RJ and AJ from season one, Justin Guarini...they all fade in to obscurity, and in due time so will our friend Sanjaya. However, for now, we can enjoy this spectacle. I personally want to see him incorporate the hula into his routine. now THAT i would pay to see!

Cole Bronn said...

Lu, you can't vote for San Jay Jay. It's un-American. And I totally agree. I'd rather watch him butcher a song that say, Phil, sing another song. ha ha. I wish I was on the Melinda bandwagon, but alas, I'm not. I can't be.