Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Kelly Clarkson Video

Ok, Citizens of Blogtown, your Mayor has pulled off no easy feat this morning...

Let's start from the beginning...I finally pulled my a&& out of the giant pillow that is my bed @ 9:30 am. This is a miracle, as I am never sleeping past 8:00 am. So, obviously, my tiny pea of a brain needed some major regenerating. Thanks to all that sent me notes wishing me to 'feel better soon'. I'd like to think you truly care about my well-being, but some of the notes were thinly veiled "get back to blogging notes" because some of you are too lazy or too ill-equipped to Goggle for other entertainment. Hey, I'm happy to provide your daily fix of wasting work time on the internet.

Anyhoo, lets start again. I got up, watched tv, came to internet, found Perez Hilton saying he had posted new Kelly Clarkson video. So I click the link, immediately, and it takes me to some Chinese website...where I can't read a freaking word. But the push play arrow is universally icon happy, so I got to see it. (above) So this is why it's all weird Chinese characters.

Remember me posting those picture of her and the cast from the video shoot? From her private blog? Wasn't that fun to see them all in action?

Anyhoo, that was fun. Ok, back to the couch.


1 comment:

tinkfromcalif said...

The video isn't there. Hope you are feeling better!