Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bye Now...

Big shocker. I wish I had put all 20 points on Megan Joy because she is home now, where she belongs and needs some dance lesson from someone other than Elaine from Seinfeld.

Beautiful girl. Go be a model for god's sake.

Cooke was good. CD is better. Still a hottie.

Lady GaGa. What? Really? That was insane. Insane. I loved it. I want a zipper over my eye. I would zip it shut when people came up that I didn't want to talk to.

"Talk to the zipper, 'cuz the eye ain't lookin'."

Nice talking to AmyB tonite. She did not know that Pauler and Kara used to be bunkmates at Casa Abdrool. Oh, and Idol put a muzzle on Pauler this year. She has to split her previous allotted time with Kara. She has to prove she won't drool to get a new contract. Or they have Kara waiting in the wings to reset them back to 3. hee hee

Hasn't this been a fun blog week? I am most amazed that no one knew that WindyCityNut was Jeffro. And that I had kept all the blog drama to myself. There are pockets of you out there that don't have any idea of the others, and I just want to draw you all closer, citizens.

There is one special person that wrote me long ago, and I haven't heard from her in a while. She sent me a note that just made me cry so hard. She said I made her laugh when times were not so happy, and that she loved to read my random musings about everyday life and such. That made me feel so terrific, and inspired, and grateful. And I really owe you all (and USA Today for publishing my blog address, and Sanjaya because I was talking about him and they quoted me)for inspiring me to keep this little blog chugging along. In these hard economic times, it's good to have a good little cheap thrill now and again.

"That's what she said."




tinkfromcalif said...

OMG did Simon freaking SLAM her or what? Wrong thing to say to the judges "I don't care". Holy shit batgirl I was cracking up when he said his kiss of death to her.

Yes this has been a fun week in Blogstown. All kidding aside, your random out-there stuff is hysterical and I always enjoy it. Funny thing is we think alot alike on topics which to me is part of the fun. That is why I email you and ask whats up when you miss a blog. I have went thru a pretty difficult time the last 6 months but I always know when there is a new blog from you that I will laugh and that is the best medicine. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.

Anonymous said...

I liked Megan before last night's show. I bet she cares when she gets home after the tour and has to support her son. She should take notes from Cook and Underwood who are thankful for the opportunity they got on that show.

I did realize that Windcitynut was Jeffro. I just didn't realize all the hoopla!

NJ Fan