Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Field Agent Susan Reports In

Not to be outdone by the excellent reporting from our New Jersey Coast Reporter NJ Fan, a Dallas Field Agent has come through with some excellent scoopage of her own...let me post it verbatim (that means word-for-word, Jeffro) from Agent Susan:
Here is a personal message from Anoop's family and friends. Please send this to everyone you think will help!


Hope you are well. We are going through an unprecedented experience in our life, feeling pride and joy ..and anxiety at Anoop's journey through the American Idol experience. Anoop is holding up well and says that he is enjoying every moment. I think he is growing up fast having been suddenly thrust into the "real world".

So, Anoop is now in the top 8 on American Idol. Last week was a close shave. We really appreciate your effort in voting to bring him this far. We are wondering if we can impose on you a little longer and ask you to please continue to vote as many times as possible and also to remind all your friends and family and colleagues that the competition is not yet over. This is a long competition and it is natural for the excitement to subside somewhat but this is a critical phase of the competition.

Some people felt that Anoop lost his cool last week and allowed his frustration to get the better of him. As his sincere (if unsuccessful in the eyes of the judges) effort was portrayed as a frivolous bet from "frat-boys" while the camera panned to his friends (who have graduated from college and are responsible and talented young men), I must admit that I bristled. This experience is teaching Anoop the difficult lessons of public life. We are happy to note that he did get good reviews on his vocals from the judges and some independent analysts. Below is a link to one of the more interesting analysis.

So what should we do next? We think its time to re-energize Anoop's support. We hope that we can count on your help once more to remind your friends, family, colleagues and community to vote for Anoop remembering what caused you ( and them) to be excited for him in the first place. For his part I am certain that Anoop will strive to live up to the very highest expectations. Again, thank you for sharing our joy, excitement and pride for Anoop. We appreciate that you have spent countless hours of your precious time and used your influence to support and encourage him. Anoop is in the Top 8 as a result of that support.

The competition resumes on FOX on Tuesday 4/7/08 at 8:00PM with results show on Wednesday.

Whatever happens next, this has been a great ride and we are so very thankful for your friendship and effort. We are very proud of Anoop for having the courage to attempt this competition and doing something so very outside of his or our experience. ( I must say he is handling it much better than I am! ) We have made so many new friends, reconnected with old friends as well as Anoop’s teachers, and have become much closer to our extended family here in the US as well as in India and South Africa.

Please feel free to tweak this or send your own message when you forward. Thank You.

With Warm Regards,
Team Anoop


Now, that Anoop Family is mighty mighty proud of their little Anoopski. My goodness, have you ever read such a nice letter from anyone? That mom could probably get him elected President.

More scoop regarding Danny Gokey. It seems, backstage and among the competitors, Danny is not a favorite. In fact, unliked would be accurate. Sadness. He's all about himself. So, well, that's just a bit of gossip, but I will be watching to see hints of 'dissing him'. Like when someone gets voted off, is he the last one hugged? When he performs, are the other contestants checking their nails and looking bored? In tonite's Ford video, does he 'accidentally' get his hand slammed in the door? Keep your eyes peeled.

And also, Anoop had a friend that went to Hollywood and got to attend the Megan "goodbye dinner" after the show. Well, let me let you read it verbatim:

Chris was invited to the "send off" party for Megan with the tattoos, and he said it was so much fun. He met everyone on the show and said Adam, even though flaming gay, was such a nice guy. He said Danny is an a__hole who everyone on the show hates because he is so all about himself. Megan, who I told him to connect with, he said is a little weird and cooky. I can see that. But anyway, he had so much fun. He says Anoop already has a record deal and that Usher twittered him that night and said that even though Simon didn't like the song, he loved it and thought it was great.

What???  A record deal already.  And a Twitter from Usher?  I gotta get me a Twitter account.  I mean, seriously. F-that facebook and MySpace crap.  Tweet Me!  I like it more.

Off to Twitter now.

And then to watch Idol!  From Dallas, so I will be blogging in Central Time Zone!  Whoo Hoo!


1 comment:

Jeffro said...

I know what verbatim is but what does word for word mean??