Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Who's the Devil?

Yes, the Devil indeed watches American Idol. He also creates all things evil that are the most lucscious part of this tv viewing experience. Yes, I believe Simon is Lucifer's little foot soldier. He's greedy, he's indulgent, he's arrogant and spiteful. He's tricky and empty-souled...unless he's manipulating you into believing he believes in You. He builds you up with praise..."You're Commercial with a Capital C"...and cuts you anyway. And we just can't wait to see what he does next, can we?

Is everyone ready to tune in 3 nights this week? I sure am! Tomorrow the nobody souls start their deals with the devil. Hard to tell who's going to be standing at the end. I'm clueless, since I've only seen 24 bad karaoke performances. Actually, karaoke would have been better, since they wouldn't have forgotten the words...then I'd have Baylie Brown back. Oh, don't get me started. Anyway, I can't wait to see a swinging mike stand and a backup singer or 2. And hopefully some good music selections for idol sake. Poo Whop Diddy week was killing me.

Bye for now...the Daytona 500 is starting...and Kelly Clarkson is the opening entertainment.


Cole Bronn said...

yes, but I am tired of Rob and Amber.

Daryn DeZengotita said...

Yay for Cole's new blog! With love from your leetle seester!


gina said...

i can't promise i will ever watch an episode of this,
but i do like the word "Hooker" too:)

very creative writing, you should write a book!!

Lu said...

oh cole...how I am so glad you are brining your writing to the masses, but i must admit that don't want the entire world to know what a talent you are. can't we keep you as our little secret?? P.S. I hate rob and amber too, BUT i am LOVING that cha cha cha are back :)