Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Last Season's Hooker Face

If it looks like a Hooker Face, Dresses Like a Hooker Face, does that make her a Hooker Face? Well, those thigh-high rubber boots aren't exactly found at Banana Republic, now are they? This nice little girl had a crying daddy in the crowd last season, remember? God he probably has no tear ducts left after seeing this ho-bag cover. "My little girl is a hooker...boo hoo hoo. " We should have seen this coming. She was on her knees singing "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree" and we got a wardrobe malfunction when a button flew and almost revealed the Kat Cooch. She's been on the edge. It's a matter of time.

Can you imagine if Boobs Barbarella wins AI this year? What will her album cover look like? Well, we won't know because it will be shrink-wrapped in mylar plastic, with a free bonus condom, and you'll only be able to buy it BEHIND THE COUNTER at 7-11...along with Hustler and Juggs. I can't help it...that girl just makes me think she has mafia backing. I will lay off when I hear about how she sings at an orphanage or old folks home after school. Until then, she's in my crosshairs.


Lu said...

I can happily say I never suffered from the McPheever. Even with his busted ass grill, I was an Elliot Yamin fan. But the McPhee...I hated her from the beginning. She just seemed bitchy...like she had that quality that made her seem unlikable. I see shades of her in that Haley girl from this season, so of course I want her gone ASAP as well. Can't wait to see the debauchle that is in store for us tomorrow night with the boys second performances. At least the shoeless wonder has subjected us to his last lackluster teary-eyed performance. However, I will hope for some Sanjaya tears when Simon rips into him again for channeling his inner sister.

Cole Bronn said...

Lu, I admit, I did like her a little bit. But not anymore. I hated all the bulimia shit she put out there...I mean really? Using your food issues for publicity. Gag! No pun intended. well sort of.