Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Road Ends Here for Baylie Brown

Why does this show always smash and dash my hopes at identifying the winner early? Why do they do it…I’m going to tune in until the last credit roles at the end of the last show. I’m going to buy the stupid dvd. And still, they killed off Baylie Brown. I was so ready to INK her name in RED SHARPIE as our next American Idol. She’s Carrie Jr. for God’s sake. But sadly, it appears that on the day they were handing out memory sticks, she forgot to mark her calendar. Girl could not memorize a stupid song. Dumb ass. Bet she remembers the words as she milks those stupid cows back on the farm. I think she should run away from home…go to Nashville. I lived in Texas for 29 years and never-ever heard of that silly town she is from. Course, it probably just sprung up about 2 months ago. Only has 1,000 people in it and a Wal-mart, no doubt.. Whatever. I’m still sad. It will take me 3 episodes to get over this. I am naming my next cat Baylie in her memory. Baylie Bronn. Maybe I’ll rename my current cat Bella. She’s sort of stupid and won’t notice I bet.

Enjoy the show tonite… Happy Valentine’s Day!

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