Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Week 2: Guys on a Mission

Boy rating system is in play this week. The ultimate is 5 Daughtrys. If you perform like a talentless troll, you get a Constantine.

Phil Stacey starts off the show. He's pretty cute, I'm kind of tired of all the chrome domes though. Performance isn't bad, but not a 5 Daughtry by any stretch. He has potential though. 3.5 Daughtrys. Judges: blah, blah, Karaoke. ok, next

Jared Cotter: Let's get it on. Reminds me of Barack Obama. If this band would speed up, this could have been better. They need a little Geritol. PIck it up please. 4 Daughtrys I liked it. He's cute...Derek Jeter-ish. Randy - moved. Pauler - funny actually. PUt that one in the book. Hey Simon agrees. Lord he's now on the Love Boat. Gopher & Isaac would disagree. Jared is now known as The Ladies Man. Keep up.

AJ Tabaldo: Tenacious drive. Great smile. What is this song? Mmm. He's starting off strong. Still don't know the song. And I'd be hip to liking the sexy groove, if I didn't think he was playing for the other team. Am I reading this one wrong? He reminds me of a guy in high school, and we called him Taco. It was smooth 3.5 Daughtrys for Taco. Judges: props across the panel. Same as me. Stylist props on this one. He's looking great.

Sanjaya: Stepping out looking like Michael Jackson. Oh Lord get the hook. He's rushing the song. Oh Dog, that's a pile. And by the way, didn't I tell you last week to go to the mall and find some POP music...Not Poop music. This stinks. Ouch. WE have our first Constantine winner of the night. 2 Constantines. Randy: yep Pauler: no he did not sing on pitch on that run up...blah blah Simon: ghastly lunch ... I think Simon is re-living his childhood on this one. Weak and Weird. Yep. If he lasts another week, he will be called OLD MAN.

Chris Sligh: what did they do to his hair? It's even bigger this week. Cool dude dedication. Love this song...matches his voice nicely and his little back story. He'll get alot of woman votes for this one. He's a teddy bear...which is now his name. Smooth. I think he's going to be around a while for sure. 4 Daughtrys R-yep P - real awesome S- blah blah blah

Nick Pedro: don't dedicate to girlfriends doofus. That kills your single girl lust vote. Girls won't dream that they could be your girlfriend. Nevermind. You've got Fever. Another old dumb song. Boring. I don't have the fever Nick. I've got an itch, to hit the Tivo button and fast forward. 2 Daughtrys. Randy: loved it. Pauler: Loved it Simon: exactly...no charisma. So, I think Nick needs to come back with a little more fire. Think Michael Buble, Josh Groban...not Tony Bennett. He gets no name. I"m uninspired.

Blake: My favorite. Hate the hat though. But ok, I'm not a 25 year old boy band groupie. I love his hair though. Hat hides it. Nice boy. Virtual Insanity. I liked last week better. Beat box was nice, but he's a little out of air and pitchy. Kind of talking and nice strong vocalizing a bit...but it's pretty good. Falsetto nice. He brought it back around by the end. Loved that. He's unique...that's key. It was a hard song. 4.5 Daughtrys Judges: r-ok, p- ok, Simon - mm'm I think he is constipated. Got some bad food at lunch. Isn't over Jennifer Hudson dissing him on Barbara Walters.

Brandon Rogers: What the hell? Cindy Lauper Time After Time by this guy? Is he trying to lose this competition? He better pull this out, but he kind of doesn't. Need more spark. More sexy. More Brian McKnight, less Cindy Lauper. Boring Brandon. 3.5 Daughtrys. This dedication shit is getting on my nerves. Simon: rubbish, keeping it inside. Pauler - shut it. Simon is dead on...WOW US Mr. Singer. Pauler shows her maturity with devil horn fingers while Simon talks. Oh, Simon is being a jerk about birthdays and puppies. He's a prick tonite. (back to JHudson diss)

Chris Richardson: Oh shit, another gma dedication. ok, I'm too old for this song. I do think he's doing a good job though. I think the band is sucking on this actually. I don't know what to say. I don't like this genre of music. I think I'm calling him Kfed. I don't know. I didn't like it but I have a feeling that it was good by the crowd performance. He looked good. 3 Daughtrys. Judges: liked him alot So, I was off on that one. ok, he isn't Kfed. He gets a name next week.

Sundance Head: Mustang Sally. Well, he's got some spark. It's pretty good although do they people think about the votes they are vying for? How many Mustang Sally song lovers do we have. It was better than last week. I liked the performance for sure. 4 Daughtrys. Judges: check - R; Pauler - good Simon - hates Pauler tonite. Well, he's glad we got Sundance back, but he isn't passing out too much more than that.

Well, no one blew my socks off. I can't wait until we get coaches and better music choices...hoping it will come soon.

Sanjaya and Nick are going on Thursday, I predict.

Bye Bye Idol-Izers See you with the ladies tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Lu said...

Brandon was one of my favorites early on, but he's boring the hell out of me on these shows. And what was your boy Sanjaya wearing? It's like he was playing dress up out there.

as for the chrises...maybe they can be little chris and big chris? or is that just mean?