Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Milk Duds or Hot Tamales?

Sorry, I cannot give a lot of kudos to last night’s show. I was so ready to watch some boys tear up some tunes. And instead I got Doody-duds. The kind you get when you leave the box on the dashboard too long. Mostly a mess. They better step up the training behind the scenes or we are in for some bad tv in the next few weeks. Granted there aren’t any Chicken Littles (Kevin Covais)in this batch, I can safely say. And does this say to America, we have a better group of talent this year? Maybe. I just can’t wait to see how they tame Chris Sligh’s hair. They have to rough him up a bit. Now for the girls, we better see some…

Me needs to see some fire in those bellys. No doubt we will see the bellys, as most of these girls are very proud of their navels, it seems. And there is one mystery girl in the batch…someone we didn’t see sing at all, unless I missed it. The red head, Leslie Hunt. I’m thinking Wild Card here. Why have they kept her under wraps? She does a “trippin’ on mushrooms” dance in her intro. She scares me, quite frankly. Well, I’m excited to see the chicks rock it. I hope they were paying attention to more than Ryan’s ass last night. I could some heavy flirtin’ out of that crowd. I hope he isn’t thinking of taking a dip in the talent pool. Didn’t he see where that got Paula? Pauler, as Simon says, had some stellar hair last night. I dig it. She actually did some groovy dancing and seemed more lucid than usual.

In case anyone is keeping count…this just in… Britney Shears is out of rehab again. I guess she realized that no matter which one you check into…drinking is strictly prohibited, and spending all your time outside chain smoking is not the best use of your time. I bet her head is itching like crazy now. Imagine detoxing with an itchy head. Poor thing.

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