Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My New Toy...I bought a Jawbone

OMG, look at my little JB!  Short for Jawbone.  It's the Jawbone 2.0, people, the smallest sleekest on the market.  Believe it or not, atleast on my screen, the picture above is actual size.  No kidding.   I'm so excited about my new handsfree speaking device for my cellular Blackberry-ness.  Because people, my car is my office.  So, I am now the coolest in town, and I'm certain I will hang up on all of you a dozen times before I figure it out, so apologies in advance.  I will call you back.   For those of you not living in California, you probably don't know, but a new law goes into effect July 1 that you can be ticketed for not using a handsfree device to jabber in your celly.  This is why I have had to go deep into research over the past couple of days, to vet out the best product on the market and the best place to purchase said item.  Cnet.com usually never steers you wrong.  Based in San Francisco, I trust their geekdom implicitly.  Even the girl that demos the product is so precise, Asian, and wears funky glasses...I'm sorry if that is stereotyping or profiling, but get over it, Asians are smart.  Just like gay men make great hairdressers.  For years, no woman or hetero was allowed to style my coif.  I digress...let's get back to my jawbone and leave my racism behind.  Anyhoo... I don't think Governor Ah-nuld thought about how I am supposed to dial handsfree.  I'm still a traffic hazard.  I'm probably the first known patient of carpal tunnel for holding a cell phone to my head.   And I have perfected texting while going 30 mph in stop and go traffic.  I don't do it if I am really rolling.  And since my friend at work got in a rear ender checking her email...I quit texting while driving.  I just read when stopped.  I promise.  It's ridiculous, I know.  And yes, read down a few posts, and you'll grow to understand that I am addicted to the BBerry.

Ok, so I am charging my little jawbone now.  JB is so precious.  It has a little leather earpiece and comes with 3 extras, including 2 other size earbuds as well.  The packaging is a work of freaking art...rivals any Apple products in design.  Sorry, but this is what I do for a living so indulge me.  The graphics are so sleek.  JB even has a tiny sliver of blue light that shines so pristinely when in charge/on mode.  The girl in the store let me test it...and I kept hanging up on her.  ha ha.  She was done with me, when I left, for sure.  I made her sync it up and everything...which turns out is automatic practically, so that was no big.  

I'll keep you posted...I'm driving to San Francisco tonite, plan to have JB in place and getting my chat on to chat up all the friends I can find!  



Jeffro said...

What up Cole.
Just got back from the Smokey Mountains in Ten and just got caught up on your blog. I thought Jawbone was your nickname. I'm so out of the loop. I'm just a good ole boy from Indiana. We still pick blackberries off the bushes and bluetooth is something you get when you eat bad grapes. I find the western folk fascinating. All the wireless gadgets. Come to Indiana and we will put you through some kind of hi tech detox. A wireless flush if you will. Tip a few cows and you'll be good to go.

Anonymous said...

You were wondering what happened to Archie? I just saw that he and DC are both performing on The View tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Cole dahling,
Thanks for including me on the maiden JB voyage. Only one disconnect (accidental by you) and one more (compliments of the San Mateo Bridge drop zone...)

Lu said...

Cole! I love it...I however bought a "blue ant supertooth"...yeah i saw it in the skymall, so what....but I am charging it now. It's basically a speaker for my car that i can clip to the visor...I will let you know how it goes. Because we all know I can't drive and NOT talk on the phone. Oh the troubles with this handsfree law. sigh.

We need to get together soon. I haven't seen you in eons!


Anonymous said...

New Jersey has been handsfree for at least 2 years. I use the good old fashion ear piece. I just couldn't charge another thing. Good luck with your JB, CB.

NJ Fan

tinkfromcalif said...

Where have you been??? My coffee just isn't the same without your blogs. Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Here is some idol news.


also, Kristi Lee Cook signed with the same record label as Carrie. Her single is due out Aug. 11th.

Hope you weren't struck by a crazy illness or car accident on your way to Jack in the Box

NJ Fan