Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Archie's Dad Steps In It Already...

You knew this was coming...Daddy Archie thinks he has control of his kid's career, and went out and sold tickets to a concert. Idol execs put the hammer down and cancel the show, the night before!

3 little words for you Daddy A: Idol Ironclad Contract

They own your son for the next year...read it a weep...or go find Clay Aiken's lawyers...he got out of his deal.


Jeffro said...

Did you hear that cracking noise?? That was the sound of someones nuts getting squeezed with an Idol grip. Ouch. Stay tuned fro more summer drama from this slightly mental papa.

Anonymous said...

Could he be that stupid to think he could get away with this. Could you imagine the Idol execs if something happened to his voice and he couldn't go on tour. Oh My!

NJ Fan

Lu said...

It's too bad we didn't know Archie's dad was loco at the beginning of the season, we could have had reviews of his rants the whole season through! However this is shaping up to be some quality drama in the house of Idol!

Cole--what are your thoughts on Top Chef?