Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Confessions of a Blackberry Addict

It's happened. I have become addicted to my Blackberry. How do I know? I forgot it when I rode to Home Depot with my hubby yesterday, and while he ran inside to pick up a quick item, I was going to check my email, and call a few peeps. God forbid I sit and deal with my own thoughts peacefully, listen to the radio or whatever. Checked the purse...ok, I didn't have a purse, I just remembered to pick up my trash novel and my ipod. See what I mean? I'm addicted to stimulation of some sort....reading or music or podcasts or email.

So what does this mean? I'll tell you what it means bitches. I'm going to turn my addiction into CASH. I think there's a business here for teaching people, such as myself, how to live in the moment without the stimulus of an electronic media feeding device...be it internet, music, or print. I'm open to ideas and interest in franchise opportunities. I could buy up a lot of those Baskin and Robbins and Cold Stone Creamery locations that are closing. What were those people thinking anyway, charging 6.00 for a cup of ice cream, when you could go to the grocery store next store and buy the 1000% more for 2.00 cheaper. And it still has chunks of junk in it.

Ok, back to ElectronicaRehab, Inc. (need a better name)...so like when you check in...there is a ceremonial locking of your shit in a box, and you can't have it back until the end of the meeting. You know, I have to attend an all-day meeting tomorrow, and on the agenda they specifically banned laptops and blackberry and treos, or any handheld device, of course including cell phones. You can leave at the 15 breaks to check messages, which are every 2 hours. I'd like to see them stop me from peeing, is all I can say.

So, anyway, I'm going to start working on leaving work on Friday and not re-engaging until Monday. Get back to work life balance. I hate thinking about work all the time. HATE IT.

On to more fun news...Get Smart. OMG, that stupid Jan Wahl, only gave it 2 hats. (she the SF Kron News movie reviewer who wears stupid ass hats, as if this was London and hats are appropriate in every day wear...and she rates the movies by the number of hats she gives it...omg, is that lame or what? Stop laughing, those of you who live in normal areas of the country...this is what we live with here in SF...crap radio stations and lame ass reviewers). I was so pissed, after seeing that movie, and loving every minute of it, that I came home a wrote a complaint letter to KRON about Jan, the mad hatter. NPR gave it a good review, as did KGO (KCBS competitor). And now, ColeyB is giving it 4 Cookies...yes, in honor of David Cook, and also my love of the chocolate chip.

Ok, my latest stupid thing I bought at the grocery store is this...look in the frozen food aisle, in the Eggo Frozen Waffle area, and they actual sell FROZEN MUFFIN TOPS. Ok, so these are like so good, microwaved at 22 seconds on high...I ate like 8 of them. They come as a block of 4, supposed to be like the same as eating a round waffle...they look like ufo's. Anyway, check it out...that's some good shit.

Alright, well, I got nothing to say on any kind of anything other than to say, I'm sorry to everyone that asks what I am watching on tv right now. I tell everyone nothing. But in truth, what I am watching, you probably won't be interested in. I'll tell you anyway because I'm bored and it's hot and smoky outside. (fires in Napa area...yikes). So, I'm watching reruns of Gossip Girl...watched 5 Tivo episodes last night. Cannot get enough of it. Watched an Oprah episode, cried my fucking eyes out, and fell asleep. Google "Randy Pausch" and read the story. Go to You Tube and watch his speech. He's an inspirational man that is dying of pancreatic cancer, has been given 3-6 months to live, and is now in his 9th month since diagnosis. He has 3 kids and a wife, was a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and his journey is the most inspiring story ever told. It's cliche to say all the things like 'live for today, for you don't know if it's your last'. But he is truly showing how to live, knowing his last is coming soon...no guessing, only a miracle could save him. And he believes in those. Anyway, just read his blog. It's fascinating. I could go on and on...just read it.

So, I also have a favorite show I TIVO called "Gotta Have It". I'm so fascinated by new inventions. I laugh when I own something they feature...and I love some of the lame marketing around some of these things, to make them better than they are. Mostly though, this show has helped me compile alot of Christmas gift ideas.

Well, hope your Sunday is going swell, and your weekend has been fun. Go see Get Smart and have a few laughs. Good for the soul.


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