Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

And Now Something Totally Unrelated to Anything

I have had the weirdest thing happen to me.  (Jeffro, I know what you and Tink are thinking...'so what else is new?"...so just shut up and read on...)

Here's the deal...remember how I have told you guys I had to get out of my rut and find something new in my life?  And I found knitting...and then I started a group of strangers who meet at Starbucks...and it amounted to me and ONE new stranger...and we became pretty good friends...and she comes over to my house at Christmas and everything...and all is good.  

And then, I can't believe it...another person came to the group one night..making us the Knitting 3 Musketeers.  And now, we have spent alot of time together...and here's the strange part...I never, ever have met anyone who is my twin, but this chick is just like me, and she likes everything I like.  Except the small detail that she is Black...we are exactly alike.  We even ordered the same food at lunch today, and didn't know it until it was delivered...and it was a really odd order...Patty Melt with an RC Cola???  Who orders that?

And then, she said something in the car ride home... and I knew I had heard it before.  And then, we realized, we had met before, in a store...and she had said the same phrase to me in the store...and we replayed the day, which happened to be at closing on the day after Thanksgiving, and we were both in the store buying the sale item that was only on sale the day after Thanksgiving in Michael's and we realized we had had a laugh together about 2 months ago, and here we are friends now.

Ok, I know this is just stupid and nuts to you, but like all things in my life, I felt the need to share.  I am filled with this weird sense that I am going to be friends with this woman for a really, really long time.  She is just hysterical, and no one is as funny as me...but she is...and she has all these weird similarities in life...like we both visited our Aunts in KANSAS every summer, and she's been to Dodge City, KS just like me...and we are the same age, and probably saw each other before!  She works at a video game company. She moved to Vallejo in Feb 2002, exactly the same month we did, and lives 2 miles from me.  She likes southern food...and actually said to me today, well, if it's friend I'll eat it.   It's so weird.  My usual phrase is quoting Reba McEntire..if it ain't fried, it ain't food.

Ok, done talking about this...but anyway, thanks for letting me share.  I have a twin..and I know what you are thinking, and wish you could tell me. ..I have to squelch my enthusiasm before she thinks I am a stalker.  I know, I know.  


Coley B with a new Sister Girl Friend!


Jeffro said...

I read the post and I didn't even think twice about it. NOTHING suprises me anymore. But I do wonder, who is stalking who?? This would be a great sequel to Single White Female. Can't think of a title though. Southern Cougars-the claws come out at night?? Hope we don''t read about one of you floating in the bay with a needle in the back.

Anonymous said...


totally unrelated to your post...I can not find your email, so I thought I would send you this link this way. This is the funniest blog about knitting I have ever seen. I thought you may enjoy it.
Take care,
Mary from the Jersey Shore

tinkfromcalif said...

I am with Jeffro...nothing you do surprises me anymore but it sure does make me laugh!
I just hope she doesn't end up to be like an evil twin. Be careful with the stalking too! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I see I'm not your only reader from New Jersey. You didn't mention if your knitting twin watches AI. The only thing wierd about your lunch was the RC Cola. I didn't even know they still made that stuff.

Remember you thought your carpooler was a nice normal dude also. Then he left you in the dust!

NJ Fan