Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hurricane misses Texas City...Daddy is Safe

Well, my Dad has put away the motor home. No evacuation. My little town, 15 minutes from Galveston, just south of Houston, on the Gulf Coast is just gonna get a ton of rain and some wind gusts. He's keeping the windows boarded though. So, dodged that bullet.

It's Labor Day. I'm gonna go shopping I think, up in Napa. To the outlets. I need some shoes. And, I know you are gonna think I am weird, but I have this crazy need to go buy this milk I saw featured on a tv show last night. It's raw milk from a Jersey cow dairy in Watsonville (near Santa Cruz). And they carry it at Whole Foods. Clavadelle? Or something like that. Anyway, it is pure straight from the cow, not pasteurized or homogenized. It looks like liquid ice cream. But actually, here's the weird part. I HATE MILK. I've never swallowed an entire glass in my life, and that's the God's honest truth. My husband drinks 2 gallons every 10 days. No kidding. But I just want to see what raw milk is like. I want to hold the bottle and check it out. Isn't that weird? I'm just so curious about stuff. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I watched the show.

Well, I have one task to do today. And I'm going to go ahead and put it out there, so that I feel like I really have to do it. I need to figure out how to make the DVR recorder work...the one we bought 2 years ago and have NEVER used. NEVER. It's just sitting there, plugged in, and we know hubby plugged it in wrong, because it did not record on the DVD, what was on the VHS tape. Instead it recorded OVER the VHS tape what was playing on the tv. Not good. Erased his favorite old movie he was trying to record onto DVD. OMG, I thought he was going to burst into freaking tears. It's a movie you can't even buy (I know what you are thinking, it can't be that good if some studio isn't trying to make a buck off it, right. exactly. But let's just keep that to ourselves...and not remind him that we have been married 13 years and he has never mentioned or watched said movie...no sense in throwing logic into this tragic loss of cinematic wonder...I digress)

And now I officially have 3 knitting and crochet projects started. I am such a skitsophrenic mess. I can't finish anything. Except laundry. I'm good at that. I love my new washer. Love it.

Oh, I bought a new toy yesterday. A mini Craftsman Shop Vac. Car sized. I decided to stop spending money at car washes just so they could vacuum my car. 30.00 for a vacuum and that's only 1 and a 1/2 car washes...at 20.;00 a pop. So that a real money saver. Unfortunately, I used it in the house on the cat litter and junk and wore myself out, never making it to the car. Scared the bejeezus out of Sophie and Bella. Poor cats.

Well, it's 8:00 am. Been up since 6:45. What's funny is tomorrow is a work day and it will take a stick of dynomite to get my ass out of bed by 7:15. Ha.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like we are going to see more of Gustav up here in Dallas than Daddy did in T.C. Whoodathunkit?!?
