Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nothing going on here...not a darn thing

I am officially in the post summer dumps...the doldrums...and the election isn't helping. I'm bored. I hate all this political crap. Also, I feel like it's a sign of my age, but I actually care about issues...social security, the fact that I owe more on my house than it's worth. Yikers. I can't even think about it.

Also, my job creeps me out. When I have dreams of telling people how I really feel about them, that's a problem. Seriously, I had a dream last night of telling this person at work how I felt about them. Wow, I hate that. My work invading my nightly dreams where I usually dream about swimming in chocolate milk, or having sex with Brad Pitt. Actually, last week, Ashton Kutcher and I were engaged. Where the hell do dreams come from? In any case, he was pretty sexy. I won't question it.

So, whatcha been watching on tv? Are you excited about the new season coming up? Oprah has the Olympians on. I'm done with her though. I love Project Runway still, but am sad that *SPOILER ALERT* if you have it Tivo'd close the blog now!!! I'm sad that the drone voiced Princess of Goth Stella is out. I loved her dog eyed pale face dead voiced self. No more leather corsets or using the hammer to install grommets in the crotch of some crazy pants. I can't believe Suede is still in...or Tanorexic Blaine.

Well, more tomorrow. It's Friday after all.


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