Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Project Runway - As Heidi would say...Let's Have A Little Chat

A couple of peeps have been disappointed that I wrangled you into subscribing to cable, and getting you fired up for Project Runway, then quit commenting on Wednesday nights.  I'm so sorry.  I have a couple of reasons...
1.  My internet connection went out at my house.
2.  I was too busy to get on the phone with tech support...I couldn't commit 2 hours to get it fixed.
3.  The show hasn't been that kooky this season, and I don't really have a favorite.  I mean, I didn't get emotionally attached at all to any of these weirdos.  
4.  I didn't really hear anyone asking me to comment, so I figured no one was watching.
5. I bought a Wii

I do remember Jeffro telling me "it's only money Cole, that's ok, don't worry about it."  And now Tink is on my ass to write about it, and when these 2 gang up on me, well it's a powerful force.

So here goes...

First, I spent 2 hours last Saturday on the phone with Julietttanina in the Philippines...and she was delightful...up to the point where she said, "Mrs. Bronn, I'm going to give you the number to the Apple help desk, because I believe the problem lies in your Mac."  And I say, "Hold on missy...you may be a card carrying member of the Sisterhood of Passing the Buck, but that isn't going to work for me."  Ok, maybe I just thought about saying that now, but what I did say was, "Nope, I just logged on at a Starbucks yesterday, and got access immediately, so the Mac is in good shape.  Now, let's get back to figuring this out. "  So, we started over, and this time she said, "is the box checked?"  And I said NO, and she said,  OMG, that's been the problem, who unchecked the box?  I said, "Not me, maybe my cat did it."  And presto bingo, it was fixed.

Heidi Klum was 50% good and 50% yuk on the Emmys.  Did she have to play up her sex stuff so much?  Ripping off her tuxedo?  Really?  Ryan Seacrest was the absolute worst of the lot.  He could not act his way out of a paper bag.  Dancing with the stars geek, Tom, is a weirdo, and Howie Mandel is ok.  Jeff Probst is too cool for school.  
Now on to Project Runway.
The only thing good about the show now, is we finally hate Kenley alot.  Everyone does and that makes for good tv.  I mean we have loved hating a lame person, since BJ Hunnicutt and Hawkeye made fun of Frank on MASH.  Frank was one of the original people to hate.  And Kenley's nasally voice is like fingers on a chalkboard...seriously.  I hate her Betty 50's look, and she's so fucking egotistical its insane.  Each week she ignores Heidi and Tim and each week they put her in the bottom, but keep her.  Why?  Because the bloggers and commenters are all being watched and read, and she has the most buzz.  Tim picked the fight with her...just for ratings, I tell you.  They edit this shit for drama.

I liked LL CoolJ.  He seemed pretty funny actually.  My favorite is still Heidi.  Her Minnie Mouse German accented voice...and her stunning eyes and legs.  She's magical. 

So, my pick for the winner is Jerrell.  I think it will be between him and Mousie Leanne.  Kyoto (Cat-O) will be in there, but I predict a stumble.  She's been great though.  However, that burlap tan jacket over that green and white dress, while it was made beautifully and very intricate, still was tan burlap.  TAN BURLAP.  OMG.  Itchy as shit.

Previews for next week show alot of tears hitting the carpet of the catwalk.  Are the judges being too harsh?  Are they wanting their own 15 minutes of blogger fame?  Will Michael Kors bust out in a jag of laughter, unable to stop his hideous gay man giggling?  Let's hope so because that was my favorite moment ever on this show.



1 comment:

Jeffro said...

Hey Cole

Glad to hear that this season of PR is lame. It's not just me. I was starting to think "What is so special about this show??" Kenley is out there. When I see her it's like watching Pleasantville. You know, that 50's movie where everyone is stuck in their own reality.

Jeffro aka The Force