Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clay Aiken Gets Personal and Out of the Closet

My opinion on this revelation has been requested, for which I am honored. I'm not sure what people think I would say, so I hope I shock some of you and not others.

For me, I long for the day when we are sexuality-blind...much like we long for the day of color discrimination to cease and desist. I've always said...there's no NATIONAL WHITE GUYS organization. Nor is there a club for those that like it man/woman style, and I didn't understand why persons of color wanted to segregate themselves into the NAACP...when they were fighting so hard to desegregate. And I know there is a need to band together for a good cause...much like GLAAD rallies for Gay rights, but there are heterosexual people along side them fighting the cause as well...and I'm one of them. Likewise, I do not think religious marches by Christians serve the cause. No one likes any ideas shoved down their throats. Not communism marches in Cuba...or Scientologist in LA. Or Hari Krishna at the airport. Don't tell me what to think.

I often say "when you stop shouting at how different you are, you will no longer be seen as different." I don't go shouting that I am a heterosexual white woman...and I know it's because I'm not subject to discrimination and have all protection and benefits under the laws of the land. So, I don't mean to trivialize it. I just think covers of magazines proclaiming your lifestyle only raises the "OMG" factor of people coming out of the closet, and I guarantee you, the publicity a star as small as Aiken is, keeps stars at the level of say Seacrest or Clooney, buried very very deep in a closet, buried beneath lots of coats and old winter scarves. They don't want the attention, so they get the casual girlfriend and move on. And yes, I believe both of these men are gay, and yes I am sad that they cannot be free in their spirit and live life everyday with a big secret burden on their hearts. But America would never embrace Clooney seducing a woman, knowing he prefers men. It would kill his career. He's the modern day Rock Hudson, who was the lady's man of the 50's/60's and had Liz Taylor in many a romantic clutch.

So, for Clay. I think it was brave, and I think it's going to do alot for Gay Rights and Awareness, and move people a step closer to saying, hey, maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge or stereotype because he's cool. Think about it...the more youare exposed to any new ideas, the more you become familiar and comfortable with them. I mean, I had never ever considered pineapple on a pepperoni pizza, but you know, the more I had i,t the more I liked it. Ergo...Gays and Pineapple...2 good things.

I've never made it a secret that my sister is gay. She is raising 2 adopted boys with her partner. It's as normal as June and June Cleaver around there. Go to soccer, clean up your room, play video games, eat your dinner...blah blah blah. And guess what? Their friends don't even flinch that they don't have a dad. It's just the way it is. And they tell kids they have 2 mommies because they are adopted...where they got that idea, we don't know, but they run with it. It's like adopted kids bonus out in their eyes. Funny huh? But that's the purest example of the innocence of children...atleast at that age they are not so quick to judge...and whereever in life we pick up the "judging gene" is a bad spot in life, if you ask me.

Ok, preaching is over. Except those in California, I urge you to consider voting NO on Prop 8, which is the proposition overturning the Supreme Court legalization of Gay marriage.

I've posted the E! Online article below:

Believe it or not, Clay Aiken's closet-busting revelation took some members of the Claynation by surprise.
And, for the most part, the surprise has been deemed a good one.
"We'll 'talk' more later, but, suffice it to say, for the first time in recent memory, I am speechless," the 29-year-old wrote on his site's members-only message board in response to the support received from fans following his coming-out proclamation in People.
"I'm so proud to know and love all of you...My family is so much larger than Parker, Jaymes, mom, Brett, etc.," the new father continued. "It extends to each of you. And I couldn't be more blessed."
Even Simon Cowell got in on the act.
"Wow, that's a shock. It's like being told Santa Claus isn't real—unbelievable," the American Idol judge told Extra, before turning serious.
"Good for him...it's the right thing for him," he said. "I don't think anyone cares. Let's face it. It's 2008."
Equally quick to join in on the supportive act were GLAAD President Neil G. Giuliano and Executive Director for the Family Equality Council, Jennifer Chrisler.
"We congratulate Clay for making this decision and for setting an example for others and his family," Giuliano said. "As we're seeing, more and more gay people, including celebrities, are living openly and honestly, and this has tremendous impact in terms of creating awareness, understanding and acceptance."
Chrisler also applauded Aiken's announcement, likening its impact to that of another road-paving celebrity admission.
"Much like Rosie O'Donnell, the announcement that Clay Aiken is gay reinforces a simple reality: The American public can no longer say it does not know a gay or lesbian parent," she said.
"Clay Aiken's desire to raise a child in an open and honest manner will make his life, and his son's, all the better. We hope he and his son find all the happiness they deserve, and the Family Equality Council will work toward the day that Clay and Parker Foster Aiken can enjoy the same rights as other American families."

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