Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Update on the NEW Judge on Idol:Pauler Reaction

Pauler drug herself (no pun intended) out of bed for a morning radio show interview this am, and is, AS EXPECTED, less than thrilled with the addition. She did not even mention the girl, Kara's, name. Instead referred to her as the new addition, and 'she'. Pauler is a She-Devil. This is going to be good, for those that thrive on drama, like me. Or like to invent it where it doesn't even exist. ha.

So, go on Perez Hilton.com for the link to the broadcast, sorry I couldn't cut and paste it.

Oh, and for those already speculating about the 'tie-breaker' factor...where it's a 2-outta-3 vote, and now we might have split 2-2 tie??? Well, Pauler says that Simon will have the final vote. Oh Boy.

By the way, this Kara chick evidently has like mad writing skills, and is like the uber best...wrote Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway song, I believe...so get to Googling people and let's find out the 411 on our new 4th judge.



tinkfromcalif said...

MY GOD WOMAN...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!??! i have had to read the freaking newspaper with my coffee for weeks now.
Not sure that I like the idea of a new judge...but it could be fun. I am a hate change kind of person so it will take me a bit to like it.
Did your TiVo break? No comments on Project Runway for a while...I am kinda liking the show now.
Well hope all is well with you!
Have a fantastic week!

Anonymous said...

Do you think they are just getting ready for the next Pauler blunder, so they can give her the boot?

NJ Fan