Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Post Vacation Blues

Queen Lee Lee isn't speaking to me. She got sick of my ass in Hawaii, I think, and hasn't returned my phone calls. I'm depressed. I have 783 photographs from the trip, and am overwhelmed with sadness of wanting to go back to Hawaii tomorrow.

Well, there's always Dirty Sexy Money on tv to cheer me up! ha! Have you watched that show yet? It's a good one! Jump on it people.

Pushing Daisies is premiering tonite. Can't wait. Looks interesting. Wish the guy was cuter, like the pic to the right!!! But he may grow on me.

Bye now.

1 comment:

tinkfromcalif said...

OK so my son (he is 17) and I watched Pushing Daisies last night and all I can say is WIERD!!! We were both looking at each other at the commercials(which we fast forward through thanks to the power of TiVo) and we both said we have to finish this to see how much wierder it could get. It was like a Tim Burton movie to me. Not sure if I will watch again. To top it all off my oldest son comes home to ask me if I watched the finale of Top Chef yet and I tell him no so he informs me who won!!! I wanted to cut off his leg and beat him with it!!! All those weeks and he RUINS it for me!!! I will get him back....Any ideas??
Glad you are back Cole but sorry for the post vacay depresssion!! It will pass....