Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Band Show

Ok, so I know I said I was going to type in real time. Well, my broken neck is really not conducive to 2 hours of typing, so I am going to give it to you straight, this was a bit boring to me. I mean there are some bad acts and some weird shit...as the auditions show go on AI, so it goes on TBS. Sheila E is fun. GooGoo Dummy flips his hair a bit, and I do like Dicko. I think.

So, I think I will stick with this. I really think there could be some good stuff in there. Why did they stage it in Las Vegas? I'm tired of hearing about the heat. Hell, why didn't they film it at the Equator...if they just wanted to talk incessantly about the heat. Gothic Clown should have been shot in the parking lot. He's just a Marilyn Manson wannabe.

But the big moment of the night was the band called BIG TOE...with the bass player born with the birth defect leaving him with no arms. And he was a good player. But, I felt a little bit voyaristic like I sneaked into the freak tent at the circus. I mean, I was taught that it's impolite to stare.

I don't understand why they needed to have a New Zealand accent voice over guy. It's a bit like listening to the Crocodile Hunter host American Bandstand. Dicko's accent throws it off too. It's American Band search...and we have all these foreign voices. I don't know. It's weird to me. I know US is a melting pot, blah blah blah and I'm not anti-immigration. It's just that I have a hard time understand people that don't talk with Texas accents. Either have no accent, or a Texas accent. That's it. Or a Southern accent is ok too. Like Paula Deen. But not like Britney Spears. Southern trash is just as irritating as listening to bad rap. You know, Famous Julian is British and he doesn't even sound like it. And my friend Tracey at work is an Aussie. I love her accent best of all of them. MK at work is cool to listen to as well. He's an Aussie too.
Oh shit, see how boring this stupid show is...I'm off on Aussie and New Zealanders and really thinking about Flight of the Concords and wishing that show was back on HBO.
Everytime I listen to a band, and think,,,oh they are great...they diss them. I totally disagree with these judges, I swear.

Well, I'm not even going to make this post until the end of the show. I gotta go shower and get on to watching The Office from last night. I think Steve Carrell is my new favorite celebrity in Hollyweird. I really can't want to see that Dan movie next week.

Have a good weekend. Talk to you all later! Happy beginning of vacay to "Tink"...safe travels next week for Lu...here's to new beginnings as a cancer survivor for AmyB "no longer carrying the Big C" and big hugs to everyone for a great Fall weekend. Take in Michael Clayton if your in the mood for a good flick at the theatre.

Nitey Nite.


Lu said...

Thanks for the travel wishes. I hope it stops raining for the love of all that is holy. How do these people live??

oh!! on Monday ask Lauren about Angie's honest to God Paula Abdul story. Funniest crap I've heard in a long time. She had to be her handler once at an event, and the story is fantastic.

tinkfromcalif said...

Boy did they have some wierd shit on there or what??? The Gothic Clown was freaking scary...kids like him? I think NOT. The KISS era has passed but aparantly he didn't get the memo.
Some of them were actually pretty good but we have to see the good with the bad just like Idol. I kinda liked the judges but the british one is trying WAY to hard to be like Simon...and we all know there is only ONE Simon.
Leaving for the Happiest Place on Earth tomorrow for a week with no kids. They won't notice we are gone until they run out of microwave food...hahaha.
Have a great weekend and thanks for the vacay wishes. I almost feel famous now!!