Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

It's SuperSpeedway Sunday!!!

The Nascar race I wait for all year is ON people. Today is the running of the Talladega Nascar Race in Alabama. The company that enslaves me used to sponsor this race about 3 years ago and I got to attend a few times. And by attend, I mean, work my ass off and sweat in what I would describe as the world's largest campground. No kidding, it's quite phenomenal actually. People show up like a week in advance and stake out campgrounds all around the track. There are so many campfires going by the weekend that you literally think the whole place is going up in flames. Those are some crazy ass people too. I was driving a golf cart one day and I swear I almost got jacked. Cart jacked.

Well, is anyone else sick of the Britney news? I know, we thought we reached an all-time high months ago when she was in rehab. And of course, Firecrotch is out loose again. Which means someone is going in...if my revolving door theory holds. Of course, rumor has it that Brit-Brit is going in for round 2. Where the hell is Amy Winehouse? In or Out? I can't keep track.

So, what is everyone's favorite new show? I need to hear!!! Mine is no surprise. Dirty Sexy Peter..oh I mean Dirty Sexy Money. The Office is favorite comedy, of course. I loves me some Steve Carrell, and Jim Halpert is so cute. I watched a little Gossip Girl. Let's just say the husband put a ka-bash on that...I believe he said something like, "I'm not watching those stupid bitches fight over those gay boys." ha. Pretty funny. Those boys on that show are straight off the runway they are soo good looking. As are the girls.

On to other news...we've had a defection in the EA camp. Our friend, and frequent commenter on this blog, Lu, has left the company. She has moved on to the competitor. And we couldn't be happier for her. But sad that she is not in our hallowed halls. Just as her dept is getting moved onto my floor. So sad. But now we will make lunch dates with each other and I'll get to hear a whole new breed of gossip. One that thrives at our competitor.

My mind is simply useless right now. Still a bit of post vacation hangover. Queen Lee Lee needs me to send pictures and I have 753 of them. I stayed up until midnight naming them and got about 400 done. 353 more to go QLL! And looking at all those pics made me depressed again. I just want to go back. Just for one more week. Ok, enough of my stupid whining. I know. You are all saying shut it. But you know me well enough now to know that I am a big drama queen whiner.
OMG...did I tell y'all about how the neighbor thinks I hate her? She told her husband and her husband told mine. And then Greg told me that I need to stop being a bitch. Well, I told him...fuck her. I can't help it if she thinks I'm smarter than her because I went to college (these are her words, not mine). She has the self-esteem of a snail. It's not like I pass out tiny diplomas like business cards, whenever I walk into someone's home. For fuck's sake I don't think I ever mention college except to say I almost flunked out because I watched Dallas and Dynasty instead of studying. I used to fantasize about Crystal Carrington and Bobby Ewing doing a spin-off. Ok, I digress...back to dumb neighbor. She's the one walking her stupid dog every morning when I am driving off to my JOB...that thing most people have that she feels SHE is too good for. In order to keep peace between hub and dummy's hub, now I find that I have to act super sweet to her stupid ass. It's killing me. But also preparing me for a future in acting. I am totally going to be on All My Children one day. I'll be playing 2-face backstabbing blogger that stirs up shit in Pine Valley.

Bye now.

1 comment:

Lu said...

Damn! Shut up, they are for sure moving there now?? of course they freaking are.

Sigh. It's a good thing. for all of us. ;-) I do miss my cole sightings though. That was such a fun last day lunch we had. cracking me up!