Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Why Does Crazy Shit Happen to Me?

Innocently, I attended a baby shower for a work colleague today, hosted by the President of our company. It was at her beautiful multi-million dollar mansion in Hillsborough, and impecably decorated.

As I leave, and thank the hostess for a wonderful time, I decide to snoop into the grand room and look at the artwork.

Mistake #1. I got busted snooping, as she came whipping into the room but I don't think she really noticed, I pretended to be talking to the little dogs in the cages. Her prize puffy white dogs she talks about alot.

Mistake #2. Not running to my car and punching it to get the hell outta there. Somehow those prize dogs got loose, and she came flying out of the house, leashes in hand, and yelled..."Cole, take me to the dogs!"...and jumped into my car. What???What ???? Am I suddenly starring in some fuckin' modern day western where my Lexus is rounding up fancy dogs like cattle???? I swear this woman yelled..."GO!" And so I did, running stop signs, yelling out the windows, acting nuts. It was surreal. And then, she pops out and runs for a dog, and tosses him in the backseat as if I am driving a fucking YUGO. Hello...leather seats and tiny sharp dog claws are not a match made in heaven. I'm thinking to myself, I SO am going to expense the repair of my seats.

Finally the 2nd doggie is snapped up and the whole family is happily deposited back at home. And Cole gets a gold star next to her name in the President's book. That and $3.80 will get you a Venti Toffee Nut Latte at Starbuck's, which is exactly what I will be having tomorrow am!!!

Nighty night Goony goo goos.


Anonymous said...

Um, where are you? You are not answering any of your phones. Daddy is boarding up the house for Hurricane Dean. They are headed to San Antonio. (Apologies to other readers for needing to use Cole's blog to catch up on family biz!) Our family has been dodging hurricanes for all of our lives. Big doings. You spend the whole time hoping for it to hit someone else. Very strange feeling. Usually we do more harm to our house preparing for the hurricane than the actual hurricane ever does. (Remember when we put the big TV on top of the kitchen counter and trashed the new formica?) You have to picture this TV -- think the late 70's. It sat inside a big white molded plastic space-age looking framy thing. We played hours of PONG on it.


Cole Bronn said...

Ok, WHAT IS this world coming to when my family checks the blog looking for my whereabouts?

Rest assured everyone, at the time of my seester's posting, I was safely out of harms way, in line at Macy's waiting to buy a pair of jeans at the One Day sale.

All is right with the world.

windycitynut said...

Cole, the new "Snoop Dog".
Thank you, I'm here all week.

Lu said...

Cole, I am dying. I can see you running and gunning being out and about in hillsborough.

Only 2 work weeks left till Vacay! Hell Yeah.