Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just had the most expensive meal of my life...

I cannot believe this meal I just ate. And it was in San Francisco at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant Postrio, and it was delicious. Can you believe my appetizer of heirloom tomatoes over a goat cheese, basil and melon frittata, had a scoop of Jalapeno sorbet over it??? Sounds gross but it was delicious..the sweet and spicy was unbelievable. My halibut was served over a bed of coconut curry TAPIOCA!!!! What??? But again, to die for. 2 couple = 4 people = $400.00. Holy Shitoli Canneloni. Normally, I save that kind of dough for the Coach store, but this was my husband paying a debt for some work his buddy did on the race car, so it's cool. And we all had a great time. His buddy had vanilla ice cream with Sage in it, which was really tasty. Greg had some stellar scallops. Oddly enough, we all ordered something different, so it was good to see all the weird stuff. I had a tres leche cake with Kahlua cream and espresso ice cream. I will be up until 3:00 in the am for sure.

And the moral to this story is...go out and treat yourself to a gastrointestinal splurge every now and again. It's so worth it... and live on the edge and don't order the steak. Expand your foodie horizons.

Nitey night.

ColeyB with the Coffee Buzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooo! We had the gastro-yum night too. Mooms and Poops took us all out for their anniversary to one of the best restaurants in the area. Jake ate his weight in crab claws and garlic bread!

I had a mixed green salad with gorgonzola / sugared pecans / pancetta. Yummy! Then scallops in a curry cream sauce on risotto cakes. Way Yummy!


Hey - we painted the boyz' room this weekend -- the same color green as the sidebars on your bloggy!