Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

OMG I forgot about my blog

Seriously, I just forgot I needed to write some stuff. This is why God did not give me kids. I would lose them somewhere...like my car keys. I forgot to check my garden and yesterday I pulled out a zucchini the size of a Louisville slugger. no Joke. It weighed in at 20 oz.s like over 1 pound!!! 11 inches long. My tomato plants are just loaded and I haven't the energy or inclination to pick them. But I did steal some asian pears out of the tree at the movie theatre parking lot the other day! haha.

So, where have I been? Well, Los Angeles on Monday. It was fun. I got Pinkberry for the first time. (yogurt stuff, which is all the rage...google it). And Famous Julian did indeed take me to Urth Cafe. Had my first Boba drink (tapioca green tea thing and the straw is big enough to suck the pearls out. They are black pearls. Very good) No celebrities though. I repel them like raid, really. I got to see the end of Julian's staff meeting, and it seems it's custom to ask everyone on Monday morning if they had any celebrity sitings. I'm so jealous. Really, it's just so hard not to get caught up in it down there. But I swear everyone looks like someone, and you just stare at them and think "are you famous or just good looking?". It's sort of surreal and then I get creeped out and want to get on a plane and get back to the Bay Area. I love it so much up here. So unpretentious and earthy and no one cares about anything you do. Whatever....just don't litter, waste water, gay bash or be racist. That's all they ask.

Today I went to the most hysterical store. A Japanese 5 and dime, if you will. And I got the best little cookies that look like Panda's with chocolate in them. Bought them to cheer up co-worker. Got some awful Pineapple gummy things...YUKkO...and some really funny stupid sushi junk. All of it was a dollar each! haha.

I see that Katharine McPhee is in Adam Sandler's next movie. Chad should be happy about that...wink.

Christina, are you still with us? No word from you in weeks.

Lu is on countdown to Greece and I am in the 6 week window for launching my ass to Hawaii with Queen Lee Lee. It's like a countdown for the space shuttle...all systems are in place. Booked the rental car yesterday. QLL got new luggage Tuesday Morning @ Tuesday Mornings...haha. All we have to do is book the Luau now and some spa treatments and we are set to jet. Literally.

Kelly Clarkson and Tamyra Gray were recently spotted sharing a big hug at some charity thing in NYC. And Kelly has just been announced as the opening music act at the Opening NFL Monday Night football game. yippee!!! I can't wait until Sober hits the airwaves. Of course, I don't really listen to radio so it won't matter, but anyway...

How's your summer winding down??? Hope you have some plans for Labor Day that are good. We have old friends visiting...they aren't old, they are our age, but ....well, you get it.

Bye now.

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