Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ok, allow me this one...just once

you know I hate all those dumbass blondes, but this picture just epitomizes the dumbness. And I can't stand it, but the Superficial writer is hysterical...see below:

Kevin Federline's lawyer went to court yesterday afternoon and filed legal papers seeking custody of his two children with Britney Spears. The documents are under seal so the details of the petition are unknown, but Federline recently threatened to file for full custody because of Britney's recent behavior. I don't really see how Federline can mess this up. Anybody who owns a computer or TV knows what kind of mother Britney Spears is. K-Fed could show up to court with a cage with "baby" written on the side and still end up getting the kids.

SERIOUSLY...doesn't she look like she is honking like a Hee Haw Donkey? And why is she always going out to fetch her own flippin' coffee? I mean really??? She lives in Hollywood, where they made John Travolta look like a 350 lb Woman...don't you think they could give her a fat suit and a better wig and she could go out incognito? Hell, no, then she wouldn't be in the tabs and on E! and people like me would be going to bed at 10:00 instead of writing blogs. Even Julian and I were too famous and busy to fetch our own coffee the other day...some nice guy in the office got it for us...and some other dude magically produced my ice cream. It was good to be the spoiled client for a day.

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