Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

American Idol Fan Sings through Labor Contractions

Um, yeah, you were not seeing things. here's the scoop...

Dallas, TX - For the first time in American Idol history, an auditioner went into labor while waiting with 13,500 hopefuls for her chance to become the next singing superstar. On Monday, nine-months-pregnant Antoria Gillon arrived at Texas Stadium with hopes of becoming the next American Idol; however, as the time of her audition approached, she realized she was in labor. Determined not to miss her shot at fame, Gillon sang her heart out while in the midst of severe contractions. After completing the audition, she was taken to the Medical Center at Lancaster, where she gave birth to a healthy son -- whom she named Jamil Labarron Idol McCowan. Baby Idol arrived early Tuesday morning and weighed 6lbs 7oz. Congratulations to Mother and Son!

Also, I got this pic below from the snaps of the crowd...now these are some cute girls. I bet there is a story behind them. They sort of remind me of Kimberly Locke.
And PLEEZE, Oh GOD, PLEASE let this guy have made it to the blooper reel. Look at that hair. It looks like deep fried cotton candy that has been dipped in caramel sauce. It's a fro with highlights. How did he get just the tips to be blondish?
And unfortunately, these 2 didn't get the bulletin...it's called American IDOL...not Idols. Not the search for America's Most Talented Duo. We already have Batman and Robin, and they will not be dethroned. We need the IDOL...singular. In fact, if we wanted to pair up Idols, we'd just smack Trailor Hicks and Clay Aiken together ... (actually, I forgot Clay lost...) Anyway, check out the hair, matching fake pearl necklaces...I hope we get a glimpse of these 2...in Idol week auditions.

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