Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Somebody's Goin' to the Big House

Yes, it's true, I have jury duty tomorrow and my "guilty" trigger finger is feeling itchy. I'm ready to put a low life landlord onto skid row, or a gang member up the river for 20 to life. I will not be lenient.

All kidding aside, I'm sort of nervous. I always get picked for this shit. I have been in California for 15 years and only been called up 4 times, and each time got dismissed because they ran out of cases or I didn't even have to show up. Well, today, my number was up and they are making me report tomorrow. I got a pass earlier in the day but had to check in for day 2, and bam, I have to show at 8:00 am. I appear to be a middle america lady, not crazy looking, relatively well spoken and somewhat intelligent and those damn lawyers just love me. Last time I was the Foreman. Why? Because I could string together 5 words for a sentence and addressed the judge by "Your Honor" when I asked for a pee break. How hard is it to remember a few episodes of LA Law or any other courtroom drama. I mean really?

So, anyhoo, I can't wait to tell yall all about it. And speaking of y'all...I hate the way they are mocking Britney and sayin' "Y'all" all the time, like she coined that term/phrase/word.

Anyway, can you feel it in the air people? Season 7 auditions of American Idol have started!!!! whoo hoo. They began on 7/30 in San Diego. Very exciting.

I'm happy to report my new bra is worthy of a mate. I will be purchasing said model in another color, for those playing along.

Been working too hard, no time to write blog really. It's the busy season and we are swamped trying to get all the games ready for all the little spoiled brats getting video games from Santa Clause. It's enough to make you hate Christmas almost...not really, I love that time of the year. I go apeshit decorating and I am the type that buys presents year round and stores in a closet. I already have Queen LeeLee's gift for her bday and Christmas and they are both in December.

Me and the Queen talk about Hawaii so much now you'd swear we were leaving next week. Right now we are on the hunt for new suitcases. We decided Quad wheelies are cool, so we are on the hunt. My hubby's been using the suitcase we boiught for 40 bucks on the streets of Paris when we needed a new bag to pack all the souvenirs in! haha.

Well, what else do I know? Oh, 2 new idols were named as getting record deals. I'll post the picture, and honestly, I can't remember,...oh Sundance Head and Stephanie??? Saloma??? Sabrina??? I can't remember, but I do remember thinking she was going to bust out one night and declare herself a drag queen. She has the look. Sorry if that's rude but she did.

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