Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Don't Diss It 'Til You Try It

I was quietly reflecting on my last post...and I see that I have transgressed in my over zealousness at dissing the Flava of Love show. This really nice girl at work named Hilary loves this show and is obsessed with it. So, I happened to have TIVO on pause while I was blogging tonite, and it popped off...to ...wait for it....The Flava of Love 3 You Cast It.

Ok, that's some funny ass shit. There, I said it. Ok, he is off his rocker...but the comediennes that comment on the casting tapes are the funniest thing I have ever seen. Besides Flav. That big damn clock around his neck. OMG.

Oh, I forgot to tell y'all...I almost died tonite. Yep, I'm down to 8 lives now. And the irony is, I would have died choking to death on my favorite food...a little grilled shrimp, while watching Top Chef.

Do not read further if easily grossed out, but I literally had to save my own life by hacking up that shrimp right there on my carpet! That shrimp flew out my mouth like in a scene out of Monty Python. And my husband looked at me and said, "Dude, you hacked on the carpet like a cat coughing up a furball." And I said, "One life down, 8 more to go.". In another twist of irony, Stanley Steemer is already scheduled to come on Saturday. Atleast I know one grease spot with my name on it they will be removing. I'm just sayin'.

Now, have you noticed the disintegration of this blog after being exposed to Flava Flav in the background for 22 minutes. My mind has melted. VH1 has the most awfulest commercials too. There are so many stupid ass gum and hair color commericials, I know my IQ is dropping like the Dow.

Bye again. Gotta go to bed, but I;m addicted to this Flav. I gotta finish it. How could I be addicted this quick?

the night exchange...omg a porn phone number commercial on VH1. I think I am too naive to watch this shit.

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