Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thanks for Writing Everyone!!

I have certainly felt the love by all the "regulars" who came out and commented when I was passively hinting that I'm not going to write anymore if you don't comment anymore. I am very capable of imposing guilt even on the most suspecting of victims.

HOWEVER, we are still one man down. Let's do a roll call of usual "commenters"
-DeeDee's co-worker...check
-CHAD...NOPE...NADA...MMMMMmmmm... I think we are flying in the missing man formation for a bit longer. Chad is a no check in...

So, let's see...should I confess this?

We have house guest visiting from LA. Hubby's high school buddy, wife and 12 yr old kid. Well, the kid is an only child and the most self-sufficient in entertaining himself, ever. Today we went out on Lake Berryessa in our boat, and I shit you not, he spent 4 hours on the shoreline making mud bombs and throwing them to see how big a splash they would make. And then he had to race me in a swim contest...and I'm so competitive I actually tried to beat him. 2 cardiac cocktails later, I was back to normal breathing pattern. I do fancy myself a good swimmer...but these little boys are like sharks. I was handicapped by a swim noodle...that's my excuse.

Tonite, through no fault of mine, we were forced to watch Jessica Simpson in "Employee of the Month". Now this has quite a cast. Dane Cook, Dax Sheppard (Kate Hudson's current squeeze), Andy Dick, and Pedro from Napolean Dynamite. How could this cast put such crappola on film? However, I admit, my man and his buddy are laughing their ass off in there. It is pretty stupid. And those are sometimes funny. We are going to see Bourne Ultimatum in the afternoon tomorrow.

Sorry Jeffro, yes, I am on 2 days vacation. No blowing me shit about it. Save it for my 7 nights, 8 days in Kauai. :)

I'd like to take this time to say "HAVE FUN ON VACAY LU!!!!!!!" Oh, Lu, I hope you don't mind if I share the photo of how you won your trip to Greece. I thought you wouldn't since you posted your blog address. Anyway, they are still talking about your fancy dance moves with the statues over at that restaurant. Anyhoo...try not to get too toasty in Greece. Have a funderful time with your buddy and I can't wait to read the blog and see alot of cool pics.

Hope everyone has some fun plans for the last official weekend of summer. Boo-hoo.


1 comment:

Lu said...

I am dyin. Love that you stole the pic. I feel so famous.