Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Where the Hell Have I Been?

What do you think I've been doing? Here are your choices...and several of them are true...you pick:

1. I am a high powered executive and have been sifting my way through resume's for a new person to fetch my Starbucks
2. I have been taking a new drug and it is causing me some dizziness and inability to read late in the evening.
3. I decided to make a baby quilt...4 days before the shower. And I finished it at midnight before the party.
4. My new co-worker loves to go to lunch and I don't sit at my desk and blog during lunch anymore.
5. I've been obsessed with my Hawaii trip. No blogging, just surfing.
6. No one writes comments anymore so I am uninspired. No Christina, No Jeffro, No Chad, no Amy, no Lu. WTF?
7. I find my family reads my blog and therefore doesn't call. WTF?
8. My house has become so dirty and unmanageable my husband stole my laptop.
9. My bicycle has taken alot of evening time.
10. There is so much tv I've found to watch on Vh1 and the History Channel, no time to blog.
11. My near death experience with the shrimp choking caused me to RE-evaluate life and take it much more seriously. Blogging is irrelevant.
12. I'm boycotting blogging until all Hollywood starlets stay out of jail or rehab for atleast 30 minutes.
13. SUPERBAD actors are my new obsession in life, and I must meet them. They are so hot.

Ok, so all of these are true really. I've just been summertime goofing. But really, who cares what I'm up to. What's up with you? Let me catch you up on the regulars that come to the blog...
Christina has been sorely missed by many of us. Finally, she has resurfaced and is alive and well. She had some eye surgery and it had a longer rehab than expected. She is groovy good, and I'm sure we will hear from her soon, as soon as she finds time in her studying and chasing boy time.
Chad is missing in action. Chad???? Hello???
Lu is readying for her trip to Greece. She is busy in fire training class right now and being fitted for her sterno panties. ha.
Jeffro, well he is burning in hell for making comments about my eating all summer.
Amy, marvelously recovering from Cancer. She is in radiation now, having completed chemo and her hair is growing back. I've never seen her without highlights or fancy colors. This will be a new experience. She so beautiful bald though. She continues to inspire me. I guess that wraps up the gang. Of course Queen LeeLee is busy readying for Hawaii vacation with me. We are getting so excited, it's all we talk about. She can't wait to smell the Hawaiian air. I can't wait to eat everything rolled in coconut, fried in coconut, served in a coconut, or dipped in coconut. You get the picture.

Oh, so I wonder if you all have seen that show "The PIckup Artist" with Mystery. How weird is that? That show Sunset Tan is so LA and I swear to God I hate Los Angeles. Those people are such posers it kills me when I am down there. It's like visiting another planet. If you aren't tan and anorexic you must be from Iowa and are treated like a foreigner. But I laugh. It is just wacky.

I'm so sad about Owen Wilson trying to commit suicide. That's some bad shit. Hope the best for him.

Greg is yelling at the tv right now...at Sunset Tan...saying "These guys got to keep the hotties, even if they are stupid" Speaking about the Olly girls. Spoken like a true man. I love that my husband is so dude-like. I have had tendencies in the past to fall for gay men, and I secretly worry that one day my husband is going to be gay. Like seriously. So, when he talks about woman's tits, I breath a sigh of relief. OMG the Olly girls are playing hide and seek in the tanning beds. Janelle is a bitch on Sunset Tan. I hope she reads my blog. Stupid tan bitch. OMG Greg just yelled at the tv again..."That bitch needs to be bitch slapped." I'm not sure what is better ST or my husband yelling at tv. These people act so freaking stressed about taking people's money and sending them to room 1 or 2 or 3. whatever. How hard can that be? I bet it takes them 30 minutes to order at Starbuck's.

Ok, well, I'm going to bed now. Nitey Nite freakies.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog hit, Coley. We're gonna bitch if you don't keep the crack pellets coming.

Anonymous said...

Thank God you are back on the planet. Daddy asked me this morning if I had talked to you and I said, "No. I don't know what's going on with her. I'll have to check her blog." It's true.

I was having an emota-trauma anyway because Kathleen Beathard's Daddy died and he always reminded me of our Daddy. So I'm crying off my new Avon Longest Lashes Ever mascara (with the fiber base!) saying, "DADDY DON'T DIE!" I know. Completely irrational.

I'm ok now. Then I found out that one of my closest friends has a BRAIN TUMOR. What a day! I certainly have a lot of blessings to count.

I'm also secretly thrilled that my thighs and butt are not unlike Britney Spears. Honestly never thought I would be able to claim that.

BTW -- my 15 minutes of fame have been extended. My tv commercials are back on the air.

In TV news . . . Can't believe Tre got the axe on Top Chef. He was my fave. Now Casey is my fave. Can't wait to see tonight. Did anyone ever find out what the dealsky is with the wicked scar on Padma's arm?

Biggest trainwreck TV -- Bret Michael's Rock of Love. Truly cringeworthy. (Shudder.)

And, of course, we get to see bits of High School Musical 2 every single day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


Here is a little known TV gem . . . every morning, we watch "Sunset Earth" on the Animal Planet. It is a real time view of the sunrise in some beautiful place on earth. There is no narration at all -- just the sounds of nature. Sometimes there are animals, sometimes it is at the ocean. Once it was all these people doing TaiChi overlooking the Golden Gate bridge.

The only problem is that it is very quiet and beautiful and then they break for commercial and you hear, "HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD!" Ack!

Ok. Guess I'm a little chatty today. Glad to know you are alive. Call your nephews and ask about their first day of school -- which was three days ago!


Unknown said...

Coley...I read you all the time, sometimes I feel like I cannnot compete with your razor sharp wit and comedic writing skills - so I just look through the window. Not that it is a competition, of course. :) I have two more days or radiation and I am done with my shit. Can you believe it? No more nada. Just check ups. And, I say...EFF NATURALLY COLORED HAIR - I went platinum blonde yesterday! I love it. Some lady walked up to me today and even said "I love your cut and color." I didn't have the heart to say "Oh, I just finished chemo..." That always makes for an awkward moment with a stranger. But the funny part is that she just thought it was my style. It's fun to begin the hair grow out phase. This is color #1 of I am sure about 5 or 10.
I miss you loads and hope to see you before you go to Hawaii.
xoxo amy