Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Separated by Centuries

OMG...what the hell has she continued to do to her face? This poor woman...Priscilla Presley. I think Elvis looked better in his final days. After 6 pizzas dipped in peanut butter and chased with a 5th of Jack. Priscilla, I'm afraid, got too many tips from Jacko Whacko's plastic surgeon.

I'm just sayin'


windycitynut said...

We should cut Priscilla some slack. I mean, she just learned to make fire last week. For the record, I have not been burning in hell but I did win a free one years supply of Krispy Kreme donuts. That's what I get for poking fun of Cole. Will I never learn?? Actually, been interviewing for a new job since my place of employment was sold for 50 cents on the dollar. Is that coffee bitch job still open Cole??

Lu said...

Cole--I always read, just havent had a chance to comment. I have been running like a chicken with my head cut off for about a month now. With 2 days in the office i am flipping out. However you saw me yesterday you could see the stress...i think i got more grey hairs! What the hell?

I'll be checking in from abroad. as well as blogging:


Not that i am pimping my blog on your site, but in case you want to see what we're up to while we are out of the country!

Ok if i dont stop by before I go, I will make sure to stay out of the fires.