Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

25 minutes later from the last post

I'm hungry. $400.00 doesn't go as far as it used to.



Unknown said...

I love me some Domino's thin crust delivered tot he house. I went to Postrio a long time ago and ordered the sweetbreads thinking it probably something like sweet corn cake at El Torito. WRONG. I am sure my snotty waiter delighted in telling me what it really was.

windycitynut said...

I am on the blog and I am at work. Is there a full moon tonight? That money I paid to that geeky high school hacker was well spent. Could be just a one day thing so I should take advantage. I just saw that the show On the Lot is still airing?? I thought they pulled this thing. Or at least changed the prize from a development deal with Speilberg to just a video for MTV 3 with a guy named Steve. Hope everyone is having a great summer. Sounds like Cole has been doing a lot of eating. Every blog mentions food. Did I just catch on to this??

Cole Bronn said...

Mmmm. WindyCityNut...should I take the bait? That would resemble eating, wouldn't it? So, I think not.

Stop taunting me or you will again sleep with the fishes.

Cole Bronn said...

Oh, and welcome back to daytime blogging. Nice to hear from you again during the work day. Did you get a new job yet?

windycitynut said...

That would be Lord of the Fishes to you my friend. I have spent a lot of time with them. No new job yet but it will be soon by my choice or not. They sold the dealership I work at and they have yet to say anything about placing me elsewhere. So, it has been tons of fun working here lately. Speaking of food, been watching Top Chef. Howie is a real tool and it's nice to see Jennifer Anniston on TV again