Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year 2008!!!

Well, just like always, the Ball Falls in Times Square and we stare at the clock and think ....omg, we have to wait 3 more hours to ring in the New Year here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Can I possibly stay awake? It's like the year's come along, and if I finally succumb to sleeping before midnight, I will officially be old. I can't do it.

And TIVO really helps out. I have taped the freaking NY Rockin Eve with Ryan Seacrest and now I can bleep boop through all the bad music performances (which includes Taylor Swift) and listen to Fergie and Carrie Underwood. Hannah Montana and The Jonas Brothers performed too. It was really weird. I mean like they shouldn't still be up at midnight in Times Square for God Sakes, they can't even buy a beer.

Just want to shout out to everyone that tunes in here every now and again and reads my little crazy blog. Now that AT&T paid me a New Year's Eve visit and fixed my DSl, I hope to be able to research all my fun little subjects and catch everyone up on Hollyweird and all the playahs.

Who misses real tv? I do! I have the attention span of a nat and really can't watch movies that well. My mom is visiting right now...it's 11:00 pm and we are trying to stay awake to wish each other Happy New Year. We are combing through "Now Playing List" and my husband has decided we need to show my mom "The Girls Next Door". Oh Boy, this should be good. Now she is shouting from the kitchen "Where's our Champagne?" This ought to be good. I was going to call my sister to wish her HNY, but my mom reminded me of what a bear she is, so we thought better of that. HNY Baby Seester.

Tonite, I ate a 2 lb. Dungeness Crab tonite...supposedly from the SF Bay, and it didn't taste at all like motor oil. LOL.

Welcome to everyone that is joining the blog in the New Year. I did a little self promotion of the blog in my Christmas letter and I understand my little cousin has logged on. Hi Stevo!!!

OK, my mom has just said "What the Hell is this Show?"...she doesn't know what to think about The Girls Next Door. I think we may lose her.

Ok, well, more tomorrow. Eat your black eyed peas for luck and cabbage for wealth. Love to you all with big wishes for health and happiness in 2008.


1 comment:

Lu said...

Happy New Year Cole! I look forward to reading your blog and laughing just as hard in 08. My resolution: to get to see you more than once a millenium!

Hope your holidays were fab!