Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ho Ho Hello!!!

Did everyone get what they wanted from Santa Claus? Where you determined Naughty or Nice this year? I was very nice, according the groovy jewelry bestowed upon me by the hubby.

Haven't been on the blog in a bit because my DSL took a hit from the Grinch over the past week. Wires in the ground went bad. They have to come out on Monday to fix it. ATT ...go figure.

Well, is everyone as sick of reruns as I am. I'm even getting sick of reality TV. I bought The Simpsons movie to watch tonite.

I watched a few celebrity gossip shows. The Spears family..well, you know what I think of them...a pack of wild jackals have more morals than that bunch. And I'm not judging, but as a celebrity, isn't that what you set yourself up for? Judgement and putting yourself up as someone that other's aspire to emmulate? I don't feel bad that Britney is pursued everytime she goes for coffee and cigs. That dumbass could pay anyone to go get that stuff for her. She could get a new car, and slap on a fatsuit and go incognito anywhere. Or move to Idaho. Or back to Louisiana. No Papparazzi is going to move to follow her. NOt with Lindsay Lohan in town and Paris HIlton too. And there's the new baby bump watch with Jessica Alba. Please let something good come in 2008.

Which brings me to American Idol. Is it just me, or are they keeping a tight lid on the behind the scenes goings on this year? I just didn't see anything weird pop up in the news. Maybe the writer's strike is affecting that one too. Did anyone see the movie American Dreamz with HughGrant, Dennis Quaid, Mandy Moore, Chris Klein (Katie Holmes ex), Jennifer ? (STiffler's mom)...and a bunch of others. Well, it's a spoof on American Idol...sort of. I haven't finished it yet. Caught on Tivo. Kind of funny as Hugh Grant is a tool, and there are these Islamic kids that are trying out and it's so funny. Anyway Quaid is a George Bush clone and he is going to be a guest judge in the finale. Check it out.

Well, I'm just chillin' like a villain, and getting revved up for the new season. I promise to 'bring it' and hope you enjoy the ride with me in the new season.

Happy Holidaze.

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