Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello...it's almost too hot to blog

Ok, what the f? I left this heat and humidity behind in Texas I thought. It seems God is playing a weather trick on me and giving me 104 degree temps on Saturday. I got my wig dusted and busted (haircut) on Saturday, and I looked at her like she was nuts when she lifted the blowdryer. It's 104 outside, we are not blowing my hair dry. Seriously.

I went home to watch all my TIVOs for the week. And here's what I think...

The Good Wife - great show. Do not miss it.
Modern Family - Funny, hope it grows on me
Community - Love Joel McHale and Chevy Chase, but the pace of the show is seriously show...and off. I feel like Chevy is trying too hard to be Michael Scott.

Despite a major protest during TV negotiations, my husband prevailed and Grey's Anatomy stayed on the TIVO list. It was a good 2 hour premiere, I admit, but .... yawn. It's hard to look at Katherine Heigl and not see her as a whiny-ass movie star now.

Curb Your Enthusiasm..awesome as always, Entourage...of course excellent.

Bored to Death: new HBO with Jason Schwartzman Awesomeness. think Big Lebowski meets Columbo. I think.

Why is Khloe Kardashian getting married, and why do I care?

Did I tell you my new cellphone ring tone is the Theme to American Idol. Ha ha. People laugh when it comes on. My hubby screams..."Idol...your phone is ringing. It's Paula!" LOL

I didn't watch Amazing Race yet or Madman from tonite. I will tell you that this is the BEST Survivor ever, already. There is a 'mean ass' guy who got up in the middle of the night and poured out all the canteens of water, after he drank tons of it himself, and then he through a few random socks in the fire, just to be mean. He's a multi-millionaire oilman from Houston and does not even need the money. He's doing it to prove how easy it is to win the show. Drama-A-Rama Llama.

Can one of you genius's please tell me why I keep getting emails that "so and so" is following you on Twitter. Don't you have to approve people to follow you? Like Facebook friends. Seriously, there are like 20 strangers following me. I don't and haven't Tweeted in like months. If I want to talk, it ain't gonna be squeezed into 140 characters or less. I can't even get my point across is less than 500 characters I'm thinking.

Good night.

1 comment:

Jeffro said...

I agree, The Good Wife is worth watching. One of my favorites. Really disappointed with Community. Stopped watching after the second episode. Didn't they just switch the time too? That's usually a bad sign. One foot closer to the cancelation bin.