Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Little Tidbits before Bedtime

Well, Jury Duty was a bust. I got a lame ass trial. And I didn't even get picked in the end. But seriously, it made me think. So here's the deal. A dude got busted for reckless driving which is a misdemeanor. So, he was fighting it. It seems he had a car malfucktion. And this caused him to careen across multiple lanes. And I started to think...Jumpin Jackasses, I ran across two lanes just getting to the courthouse this morning. I was laughing with Queen Lee Lee and almost missed the exit. Was this trial a sign that I should put the phone down and drive, as my husband says. Well, I do have a bluetooth, which Greg says sounds terrible, therefore he calls it shit tooth, but I digress. Anyway, I'm sure that trial was my message to slow it down sister or your next on the court docket.

Some funny stuff did come out of the trial...one man was questioned as to whether he had ever experienced trouble with a vehicle. He was about 62 years old and spoke very slowly. As he started to talk, I thought "Oh here we go, this is going to be a long one..." and he simply said as deadpanned as ever, the following:

"I was towing my 5th wheel trailer back from my camping trip. I lost the brakes. We were going downhill pretty fast. Anyway, we both died." And then he giggled and said, "obviously, not really...and the whole courtroom just busted up. I thought the damn judge was going to pee his gown. And then they kept asking him stupid questions...well Mr. Kryszinski, if yoiu were a cat how many lives would you have left?". I shit you not they asked him that. Really, I would let this woman represent me in a trial for a new shampoo, much less a crime. It was comical.

One lady was filling out the questionaire, which asked, "Do you have any children?" Yes or No. She said, "If my children are over 30, do I still answer yes that I have children?" Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the jury of your peers. Really, they should show video of this, and I think this would deter crime much better than the death penalty, knowing these yahoo's are deciding your fate. And after all was said and done, they dismissed Mr. Krysinski to go live out the rest of his 7 lives in peace.

And "peace out, Seacrest out, over and out...bye now".


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