Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Carrie Underwood's new single: So Small

Ok, the hits just keep on coming out of this chick. She is so awesome. Her new single is called "So Small" and it's everything but. Great, great song. I love it. LOVE IT. Reminds me of a Rascal Flatts song...powerful, powerful vocals and TONS of big music. Lots of strings and drums and cymbals. Now I wish I had gone to see her in Dixon dammit. So, I simply cannot wait for the cd to drop on October 23.

I guess I can officially check off what I am looking forward to in October!!! Except Halloween of course. The National Day of Candy.

Anyway, Carrie Underwood has just got to be psyched about this song. I wonder if she wrote it? I'll have to check on that.



windycitynut said...

So, the loosened the internet block just enough that I can rear stuff, some of the pics you post do not come up and all sports related sites are still taboo. That bites, speaking of which, that P Hilt tool is one digusting bloated toad. Why is he still around?? I'll have to download some of Carrie's music, course that means I should get an Ipod which means I should get a computer, which means I should get hi speed internet. My commodore 64 just doesn't cut it anymore. I just bought the Daughtery CD. It's great. Life is moving to fast, I feel like I am stuck in 2001 and need to catch up on everything. Or, it might be that I am just cheap??

windycitynut said...

By the way, I will be enrolling in some basic english courses tonight. See last post. Or maybe I should check my shit before I post it. Sorry Cole, I know I need to step up my blogging game to meet your high standards.