Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Hope you had a great spa day! I will always remember the day Barry Bonds tied the Home Run record, because it was on Baby Seester's bday and I was in Queen Lee Lee's swimming pool and she starting screaming "He Did It, He Did It..." and my first thought was OJ had finally confessed, but quickly realized that was never going to happen, where's the cash in that? So, her husband and I ran into the house and watched it over and over again on TIVO. Then her husband went over to the Baseball memoriabilia cabinet and turned on the lights saying, "better turn the lights on the shrine to commemorate this moment..." LOL. Back to the pool...as it was 111 degrees in Sac today.

So, I saw Hairspray today. What a kick. Very, very cute. Loved it. And John Travolta was great.

I had some awesome fish today too. If you ever get the chance to eat Hawaiian Ono then do it!!! Delicious fish, tastes like chicken. Kidding...grilled it really is like steak. Very dense, not flaky or fishy. Which makes me think...why do we buy fish and hope it doesn't taste fishy? That's like saying...I'll have a dark chocolate dessert and then complain it was too bitter. What?

Want some good laughs? Google "Faith Hill Tim Balls" and watch the videos of Faith Hill chewing out a fan that grabbed her husband's package...literally. She actually said "You don't go grabbing someone else's husband's balls". And The Soup made particular fun that she does this rant, while still tapping her foot to the beat. Still swaying to the music while she bitches this chick out. Hilarious.

Well, I'm off to Los Angeles tomorrow night. Going to visit Famous Julian and do a little work. I'm not staying at the rat hole in Beverly Hills 90210 this time. I'm staying at a swank place that just had a grand opening "as seen on Entertainment Tonite". Ok, so that's what the website said, and I have to admit...what's good enough for Mark Steines and Mary Hart is good enough for me. I am going to make Famous Julian take me to lunch this time. I want to go to the Erth Cafe. I saw some stars there on tv last week. I think it's close by. I don't care. I'm going to make him take me star stalking. He might be too busy though. He said he always sees David Spade when he goes to lunch, so he better take me out. I better shut up because I think he still reads this blog. haha. Don't get a dent in your do, Jules.

Ok, well, I'll probably write next from the badass hotel suite. Maybe from the lobby so I can watch for stars. I'm going to pretend I write a famous blog. I got a new Crackberry that takes pics I can email too. Yeah Baby! I'm stalkarazzi equipped.


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